Chapter 15

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader

Chapter 15

Three hours earlier I woke up in a dark, stinky, sewer. When I first woke up all I felt was confusion, and disbelief. How could someone so easily kidnap Spider-woman? That was until I remembered who kidnapped me. Colin Farger, my horrible ex husband.

The two other guys constantly followed Colin around, like two lost puppy dogs. They both still wore creepy masks to cover their whole face, and they also enjoyed annoying the life out of me.

I tried finding any way to get out, but even breaking the rope wasn't an opinion, I tried. Somehow three people who I would consider very stupid found a way to make a normal looking rope unbreakable.

Luckily I wasn't gagged, so I got to talk all I wanted. Unluckily they wanted me to talk to them, and from the beginning of the three hours, I was integrated.

"How are you still here?" One of the guys with a mask, asked with a raspy voice. "I've always been here." Colin looked at me like I was stupid. "What's wrong with you?" I stared back at him, my blood was already boiling. "Nothing." I bit my tongue so I wouldn't say anything else. He got close to me, so close I could feel his breath, as he roughly grabbed my face. "Are you a clone?" I jerked my face away, and kicked him in the knee. He stumbled back a little. "Both of you." Colin pointed to the guys following him. "Tie her feet up." They did as they were told, but not without me making it hard for them. As they tied my feet up, I screamed, wiggled my feet aground, and jiggled the chair around, almost falling over.

They finally got my legs tied to the chair, and the two guys stepped back from me. "I'm not a clone." He shook his head. He made me want to slam his head into a wall.

Before he could say anything else, a loud thud echoed through the sewer. Colin jumped at the sound, and his face became all red. "Hey, who's there!" He screamed. I looked to the direction of the thud, but I couldn't see anything. "You, go see what that was." He spoke in a stern voice, and one of the guys in the mask descended into the darkness.

There was more thuds and screaming, but Colin ignored it. He covered his eyes with his hands, and took a deep breath. He didn't get to act like the victim. "How are you still here!" I screamed at him. "What are you talking about, you're supposed to be dead!" My eyes widened. "You're supposed to be dead!" I screamed again, I couldn't imagine dying fighting for my child. "I don't know if you hit your head on your way down from that window, but the last time I checked you were the one who lied to be about being spiderwoman, so you got shoved out a window!"

I stared at him, tears started filling my eyes. "You're crazy!" He chuckled. "You're damn right." He smirked and turned away.

As Colin paced back and forth, his other minion stood a few feet away from him, peering at me. I just wanted out of here. Before Colin could turn around a man pounced on the minion. It took me a second to realize who it was.

"Miguel?" The minion was slammed into the ground, and Colin flipped around. "Who's Miguel." Colins gaze could burn holes through people, but Miguel didn't seem to mind. "I'm Miguel." He swung a web to my chair, and pulled me next to him. Colin looked stunned. "Another spiderman!" Without hesitation Miguel ripped the rope, and I was finally free.

I jumped up, but fell over right after. The masked man grabbed me by the ankle, as Colin pounced on Miguel.

The masked man pulled me by my ankle, and crawled over me. "Get off!" They ignored me, as I tried kicking him off but I failed miserably. "Who are you!" All I could hear was a quiet, feminine chuckle. I scowled, and flipped this girl over. I hopped up, and so did she.

Miguel bumped into me as Colin threw one of his blades in our direction. I swiftly moved out of the way, and watched the incredibly sharp blade get stuck in the wall. I looked back at Miguel, who was doing a great job at beating up Colin. That was my mistake, as the person behind the mask punched me directly in the gaw.

I looked over to the person who punched me. I could feel them quiver under my gaze. I swung up and kicked her in the gut. She went flying through the tunnel, almost falling into the gross swampy water. I swung over to her again. She was on the ground gasping for air.

I crouched down to her level. "Who are you?" I was surprisingly calm while talking to this person, and this time she actually answered me. "Wouldn't you like to know." I knew that voice from somewhere, I just couldn't figure out where. "This is your last chance. Who are you?" She chuckled. "You're funny." I sighed.

I lifted my fist up and slammed it into her face, her body fell limp, don't worry she's not dead. I fell onto my knees and lifted her mask up. I don't know why I didn't expect this, but as soon as I lifted the mask off of this mystery person my whole body trembled. "Grace?"My whole body shook at her sight. The last time I saw her was when I shoved a raspberry cupcake into her dress.

Suck it up, was what I told myself. I hopped up and took a deep breath. I grabbed Grace's arm and dragged her away from the edge of the sewer.

I swung back to where Miguel was beating Colin to a pulp. Before Colin got sent back to his rightful dimension I needed to get answers.

Colin was barely standing, and it took almost no strength to push him down, on the floor. He smirked up to me. "What did you do to June." I used all my strength to not scream at him. "What do you mean, she's a perfectly well rounded five year old." I stared at him. "Looks like she didn't need you after all."

I snapped, and fell to the floor, slamming his head into the floor. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you again!" I screamed at him, slamming him to the floor again and again. Miguel grabbed me by the waist, and pulled me off of Colin. "You can't, it will disrupt the universe."

Tears fell from my eyes, I felt like I was drowning myself. "I have to!" I kicked and punched trying to get loose. Colin still looked dazed, but he still had a smug smile all over his face. "Let me go!" Miguel sighed. "No." Colin finally stopped rocking back and forth. "Wow, she really does act like a child." Before anyone could respond, Colin pushed himself into the sewer water and rode away.

Miguel finally put me down. I fell on my knees, as I cried more. I started choking on my own spit, and huddling into a ball. I felt like I needed to scream, and it's what I did. While Miguel collected the other two people, I sat in a ball and screamed my lungs out.

It took what felt like hours for me to gain composure, and when I finally did Miguel had already sent Grace, and her other companion to the spider society. It took me a while to realize that I didn't actually feel the need to kill Colin Farger again. But the thought of another human just as bad as the one who killed my daughter, made me shiver.

At least he doesn't live in my dimension. Plus he said June was good, and who knows, maybe their dimension will get another spider woman.

I changed this chapter up a little, because last night I was half asleep while writing. Also we have 80k reads!! You guys are truly amazing.

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Have a good day I love you all<3

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