Chapter 6

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader
Chapter 6

This chapter will include some gory themes, and child harm, if you're uncomfortable with this, please skip the parts that include blood and guts.

I walked into my apartment like I did every day at 5:30pm. My back was sore from sitting in an office chair for hours. It only got worse when I realized that I forgot to get the roast out, and Colin, June, and I would all have to eat out again.
The stress of being spiderwoman, keeping an office job, and trying to keep your marriage from falling apart when taking care of your three year old didn't help.

I looked around the suspiciously quiet house, the last time it was this quiet was when I came home and June and Colin were playing hide and seek. I was supposed to be the seeker. "June." I called out, a smile appearing on my face. "Are we playing hide and seek again? Come say hi to mommy." I peeked around the corner of the couch, no one. "Colin? Where are you guys?" I looked behind the kitchen island, still no one.
Now I'm starting to worry a bit, it would be a lot easier to look for them if I was able to use my spider-powers. Maybe I should have thought about that before I married a man, and didn't tell him I was New York's most loved, and admired superhero.

"June, you need to come out this Isn't very funny anymore." I continued looking throughout my kitchen, until I heard quite sniffing coming from June's room. I set my work bag down, and opened the door. June was under a lump of blankets on her bed. "June?" I walked to her bed. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I lifted her blankets up, underneath was June sitting in a ball, crying her little heart out. "What's wrong sweety?" She looked up to me, and my heart dropped. She had a giant bruise on one side of her face. "Daddy's acting weird." My mouth gaped open, my husband would never do this, at least I hope he wouldn't. "June, I need you to tell me the truth, okay?" She looked up to me and nodded. "Did daddy hit you?"
My heart was thumping against my chest. She started to cry even more, as she nodded.
My throat tightened, and my chest felt like it had a weight on it.
I can't believe I left my daughter with a man that was willing to harm her every single day, so that I could go to some job I hated.

The next time I saw that man, would be the last time he ever got to see anyone.
"Y/N? Don't worry about June, she hit her head on the counter earlier." Speaking of the devil, Colin, my husband, and father of my child walked through the door.
The moment he stepped into the room, my spidey-sense went off, and I knew who was lying. "Colin, you need to leave." He looked at me with a small smile. "Y/N, you can't possibly believe a three year old over me. They come up with stuff all the time." It was safe to say that by now angry would be an understatement, instead I was livid. "Colin, just go, I'm letting you off easy, go."
He looked at me, he had a crazed look in his eyes. "You have no idea how much you're going to regret this." He swiped a giant blade from behind him, and threw it. I jumped onto the ceiling, grabbing June and pulling her to me.
His eyes widened at the realization that he was married to spiderwoman, currently his biggest nemesis.
I didn't feel too good either when I realized that my husband had been the man terrorizing the city and trying to kill me every chance he got.

"You've got to be kidding me, you're the little pest who's been stopping me from getting a huge payout?" He screamed at me, and threw another one of his blades at me. I jumped back down from the ceiling, and down to my daughters bed where I sat her.
I didn't waste any more time jumping on him, throwing his body into the kitchen. "Yup, you've been married to her for the past four years." I slammed him onto the counter, and grabbed anything I could behind him to smack him on the head with. Before I could grab anything Colin threw me off, and rammed me into the kitchen island.
I gasped for air, as it all got knocked out of me. Colin continued to punch my gut, and throw me on the floor.

"Nowhere to run, huh spidey?" I pushed my body back, as Colin slowly walked towards me. "Get away from me!" He chuckled and leaned down. I took my chances and used my webs to launch myself to the ceiling, kicking Colin in the process.
I looked down from the ceiling and saw Colin on the floor. I propelled myself from the ceiling, and started running to June's room.
As soon as I made it to her door, my spidey-sense went off again. I flipped around and saw a blade heading right for my head. I backed up to the wall, and stood like a deer in headlights.
I squinted my eyes shut, as the blade was inches away from my face.
I opened my eyes when I didn't get split in two, I looked over to June. My heart sank to a pit, as I watched the same blade head for my daughter's head.
I jumped into action, shooting a web to catch the blade. A small sob escaped from my mouth, when I was that my web missed from a centimeter.
A scream erupted from my daughter's mouth, as the blade got closer and closer to her face. I started running to her, but before I could reach her the sharp object did first. I stopped in my tracks, as the blade ripped through her head, and split it in two.
Tears started flooding from my eyes, like the blood that was slipping from my daughter's body. She fell over on the side of her body.

I ran over as fast as I could, and grabbed onto her little three year old hand. "I'm so sorry, June, I'm so sorry." I sobbed in between words, squeezing her little hand.
I shot my head out as I felt her hand give me a squeeze back. I looked at her face, tears were rolling from her eyes, that were getting covered by the blood spilling from her body. I choked out more, and more sobs. I heard footsteps walk into the room, and stop right behind me. "You should have listened, look what happened to poor June, all because of your one decision." He set his grimy hand on shoulder, and started patting it. I looked over to the man that I once looked to with love, and instead looked at him with pure hatred.
Tears still ran down my cheeks, but that wouldn't stop me from turning this man into mashed potatoes. I flung myself on him, and pushed him to the floor. "What's wrong with you! That's your daughter!" I screamed in his ear and slammed his body into the floor. "You made me, you used your weird spider-powers!" I stopped, and just stared at the crazy man in front of me.
He was seriously trying to gaslight me into believing that I made him kill my daughter? His daughter?

"You're insane." He stared into my eyes like there was still any spark between us. He smirked, "you were just sitting in my lap the whole time, I could have turned you in and I would be rich!" He chucked me off of him, and into a wall. I landed on the ground with a thud. He walked over to me, and kicked me in the stomach. "You're pathetic, do you realize that?" He talked with a cocky tone, and kicked me again. "You let your job get in the way of protecting your own daughter!" He cackled like a witch, and tried kicking me again.
This time I caught his foot, and slammed him into the wall. I rolled away before he fell on me, and hopped up. "I'm not pathetic, and if anyone's job got in the way of protecting their daughter it was yours." I grabbed him with my web, and threw him to the ceiling.
I watched him smack on the floor. "You're the one who killed her!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "You killed your own daughter! You tried to kill me!" I grabbed him from his shirt and lifted him up. I slammed my fist into his jaw.

By now he was bruised, and bleeding, and standing directly in front of my window. "Go to hell." I shouted, tears running down my face, I ran to him and pushed him through the window. The window shattered as he fell through it, and to the ground from the fifteenth story.

I shot up from my bed, sweat dripping from my forehead, and breathing like I had run a marathon. I hate that memory, it always appears in my dreams after I get reminded of my daughter.
I sighed, whipped the sweat off my face, and laid back down.

Wow, just four days ago I was celebrating having 1k reads, and today I hit 10k. You guys are actually amazing, thank you for all the support.

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Again thank you guys so much for all the love you've shared.

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