Chapter 11

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader
Chapter 11

I was today years old when I realized that Miguel O'Hara's suit was nothing but a hologram. Now every time I see him my mind shoots to the idea of him practically being naked. I mean, how would I not think of that? Also, how is he so comfortable with walking around, when you're being covered up by a hologram? What if the hologram just magically disappeared? Never mind I definitely don't want to picture it, and please don't tell me I'm lying to myself.

I haven't only been thinking about how Miguel has practically been walking around naked, but I've also done a lot of self reflecting. Why is it I like Miguel O'Hara? Is it because I like his very defined cheekbones? Maybe. Or is it because I generally think he has a good side, like when he ate a tray of brownies with me, or when he swung through the air carrying a bag of cat food, just so I could make him eat a bunch of ice-cream with me. That's also a huge possibility.

The same night I made the brownies Jessica Brown came up to me. She had a big smile on her face. She told me she saw how I looked at Miguel, she knew there was something going on between the two of us. I tried clearing everything up, and I ended up telling her everything. Her smile only grew as I explained all the dreams, and what the spider therapist told me.

She said it was amazing news, but I'm not so sure. I haven't tried dating, or anything remotely close to romantic, ever since Colin. I just can't help but connect the dots between the two. Colin was a complete workaholic, and Miguel is practically only seen in his little dungeon. Although Colin did prefer to stay in bed all day, and work on his computer, and occasionally forget about our child.

Miguel and Colin also have a horrible temper, and I will never forgive myself for what happened to my daughter. Miguel does seem to have a soft spot for kids though, well kids under the age of Miles. Okay, maybe he doesn't have the softest spot for kids, but he treated Mayday well.

I've spent hours trying to figure out why I like Miguel. For the past two years I've been focusing on my bakery, and being a better spider-woman. I've had no time for romantic feelings, but now I'm hardly even spider-woman. Are there any real good reasons to like Miguel? Well, he is semi-nice to me, and his face certainly is a plus.

This has been my life for the past few days. I've tried cooking my thoughts away, but nothing works. Miguel is always on my mind. I feel like a teenager again, but this time I'm not obsessing over some boy band.

I was currently sitting in my kitchen, trying to cook some of my famous raspberry cupcakes, to clear my head. Even they didn't clear my head. It didn't help that I had to wait for the cakes to cool before I could put the frosting on it.

I hopped off the counter, to stir my raspberry curd. I evolved my raspberry cupcakes ever since the first time I made them. Now I drizzle an amazing raspberry curd over the cupcakes, and I fill the cupcakes with a raspberry filling.

June would have loved my raspberry cupcakes, I wish she could be here with me cooking away. I never want to put a child in the same spot as June again, and I'm not so sure Miguel wouldn't do that to a kid. He told me he had a daughter. I wonder what happened to her.

As much as I'd like to bury my feelings in a deep dark hole, I can't. Everything that made me fear Miguel now makes him seem intriguing, and mysterious. Everything that pointed me away from Miguel now tells me to go to him. Something tells me that Miguel isn't like Colin, that I don't need to be scared of him.

I was only brought out of my trance when my timer went off. I was finally able to fill my cupcakes with their raspberry filling, and frost them, then the best part I finally got to top the cupcakes with the raspberry curd.

Before I was able to shove a delicious cupcake in my mouth, Miguel walked in. Just my luck. I took the cupcake away from my mouth. My cheeks grew rosie red, he definitely knows I like him. "What are those?" He looked behind me, pointing to the cupcakes. "June's raspberry cupcakes!" I gladly held up one of the cupcakes. "Could I have one?"

I looked at him. Sure not even I was supposed to have one, and they were for lunch tomorrow, but there were always a few spider people who missed lunch. I nodded, and handed him a cupcake. We both took a big bite of our cupcake.

My favorite part of cooking has always been seeing the joy on peoples faces when they ate my food. Today was no different. Miguel's eyes lit up as he ate the cupcake. "Is it good?" I couldn't help myself, I knew the cupcake was good already, I just needed to know he liked it. He smiled a rare smile. "It tastes great Y/N." I smiled back at him.

"Why are the cupcakes called June's raspberry cupcakes?" Miguel asked, as he took another bite of his cupcake. I smiled. "My daughter June loved raspberry cupcakes." He nodded, even though I've only been here a few weeks, I felt like he knew everything about me. "You said you had a daughter too, right?"

The mood changed immediately. He looked down, and took another bite of his cupcake. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He sighed. "No. I was supposed to be a father." A lot of us have been there. "When I found a stable way to travel dimension, I went to a dimension where I had a family." I stared at him. "Turns out it wasn't as stable as I thought."

He didn't need to say anything else, I knew what happened. "I'm sorry that happened to you." He nodded. "I don't want that to happen to anyone else" My heart ached as he said that, he just looked so sad. "It won't, a number of things could have gone wrong." He scoffed, "Yeah." He took his last bite of his cupcake, and threw its liner away. "You have something on your face." He stared at my mouth, as I whipped one side of my mouth. He chuckled, "the other sid- you know what." He lifted his hand to the corner of my mouth, and wiped it.

I watched stunned, and flustered, as he walked out of the room unfazed.

I've officially changed the name of this book to Bake Me A Boyfriend. 

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