Chapter 26

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The days are moving really soo fast. I cant believe that i m 6 month pregnant now. It just feels like yesterday i confirmed my pregnancy.

TBH its not that easy to carry a baby, that too of a doc.

Ever since I informed Ansh mama the arrival of our child. He is behaving very different. He gets anxious so much and panics for everything. It feels like he is the one who is pregnant considering his mood swings.

He prepared a personalised diet chart along with exercises for me.He even made me to wake up daily along with him morning 5'o clock to practice mediation, yoga and exercise he taught. He is the one who decides what and when i should eat. Luckily my In-laws helps me sneakily to fullfill my junk and chat cravings, which made them to face the wrath of Ansh few times, when he figured out i ate food that he said no. He goes to hospital in the bike and asked my FIL to drive me in the car to my work place.He literally behaves like a Hitler.

Jokes apart, Ansh has became very much responsible, he was always responsible guy but now he is just working soo much.

In March, he opened his own hospital, at our old house which was under renovation for the same purpose. The hospital was supposed to be opened around september after installing all the essential facilities with operation theatre (OT) and all, but Ansh preponed the opening. He changed the plan and opened it as a small clinic.

Both our families are middle class. Ansh pursued medicine purely on merit. Yet my in-laws have to spend huge sum to fulfill his necessity during both UG and PG.

Ansh was reluctant to take help from his parents to develop his hospital. So, he decided to continue his job and in the evening he treats patients in the clinic. He straight away goes to the clinic from the hospital he works and reach home only around 11 PM i guess, coz i was not allowed to stay awake till 11. He have his dinner in the clinic itself which my FIL give him. He is working very hard.

He has became way to over protective, cautious about our child.

Can u believe Ansh said a big no for intercourse. Now i became a despo to gain his attention, there was this one incident happened in the very early days of my 1st month pregnancy.

I was in his embrace, he was lying calmly but i wasnt, i wanted him badly, so i made a move on him for the first time. I inserted my hands inside his vest and caressed his body. When my hands brushed over his member. The game changed and he took care of the rest. Next day my first advancement towards him gained me a C type pregnancy pillow as a reward. action back fired, imagine getting used to pregnancy pillow at the first trimester itself instead of the cozy warmth of ur hubby is nt a pleasant experience.

In this 6 months i was not allowed to visit my parents home. Even last month in which generally girls go to their home, i didnt. I still remeber the day what happened when my parents
came to take me along with them.


Soon after the confirmation of Sara's pregnancy. Sara's parents paid a visit to Ansh home, they were on cloud nine. Everyone was sitting in the hall chit chatting.

Janaki "Lakshmi, I will take Sara with me, its initial days it will be difficult for her to handle things you know"

Ansh "No Athai, Sara cant travel at this stage, she is on medical leave from her work as well"

Janaki "I understand Ansh, but its only few minutes travel right. And i will take care of her with everything she ask for"

Ansh " Yes Athai, u will take very good care of her. But i want her to be here only.

You know that she has lactophobia and prone to food allergies, i cant take risk. I want Sara and the baby on their best health, during pregnancy women lacks certain nutrients i m seeing many women struggling during pregnancy. I know for sure you have experience on handling things but my knowledge will help Sara btr.

You can come here whenever you want, even you can stay along with Sara in the room, i will stay in the guest room. I want Sara to be in my home, under my support."

Janaki sighed. Purushothaman "Ok Ansh, I understand ur point. Which hospital you chose for Sara, you know we have to take care of monetary part as its her first delivery"

"Mama, is this how much you trust me. You gave me your daughter coz u believed in me right? I m so sry mama, I m very much capable of to take care of my Wife and child. Anyways, i m going to start the clinic next month and i can manage and fulfill my responsibilities in my marital life" Ansh said with determination.


Though i was sad about not going to my home and get irritated sometimes by his hitler like behaviour. His self esteem swells my heart in pride. He really really takes care of me so well. He rarely spent time with me, but i know he is working for our future, to give our child the best life and to make our family proud.

Haaan...This is how i get zoned out whenever i m free. Its 4th saturday hence my day off to work, but Ansh mama have gone to work.

I m really bored, so now i m exploring our room. Going through Ansh mama's stuff one dairy caught my attention.

I opened the first page "Sriyansh.S.L" was written in a beautiful cursive.

What? He writes diary?!

Let me see what are the secrets my dear hubby has...

I m sry for the late update, my wattpad wasnt working since afternoon. My draft was gone, so re-wrote it. I will try to update soon.

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