Chapter 33

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Its friday today, Ansh parents along with Harsh, left the house this afternoon for a short trip of 3 days (Temple visits). I tried my best to convince my in-laws not to take Harsh along, coz he is not easy one to handle. But they didnt agreed.

'Sara, we want to spend some time with our grand child, also Harsh was the one who told us he wants to visit the temples about which we narrated stories to him. Pls dont try to change us. You too need some rest, if Harsh is around u cant have one. So take rest this weekend.' My Athai told me while packing Harsh's stuff.

Defeated i agreed to what she said. Currently i m doing dishes post dinner after this i will clean the kitchen so that i can wake up late tomorrow.

After completing the task i looked at myself, damn my kurti was drenched and dirty when did this happened. I m such a mess, mentally scolding myself i reached the room.

Ansh was arranging the bed. I took my dress and went to washroom, to take a good shower to sleep.

When i came back Ansh was already lying on the bed with his back to me. I lay next to him, thats when i noticed the quilt is thin, which we use in summer. I didnt mind much and tried to sleep.

Few minutes passed, the temperature of the room decreased drastically, it became too cold. I know this guy next to me is doing this, i searched for AC remote but i couldnt find. Unable to withstand this freaking cold, I decided to get myself an extra quilt.

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When i tried to get out of bed, Ansh pulled me towards him by my waist.

"Whats the need for quilt, when i m hear to provide you the heat u wants" Ansh said pasting my back to his front his hot breath fanning my cheeks, thats when i realised he is half naked. He is not wearing his tshirt.

His hands entered into my top and started to caress my body, "It reminds me of our Mussoorie days" he said nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

"I love you Ammu" He confessed.

I scoffed.

He flipped and hovered over me and kissed my lips. I fisted my palms not to give in to it.

But it was hard, its been 4 yrs since he kissed me,last time he kissed me was when we were in chennai for my training, that time he withdrawn immediately due to my lack of response.

I thought he will withdraw this timed too, but he didnt instead he kissed me deeply with soo much passion, it was so hard for me not to melt for his action yet i didnt respond to his kiss.

He stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes. I looked back with zero emotions.

I dont know what he thought. He placed a kiss over my forehead.

In this 5 yrs of marital life, this is the first time he kissed my forehead. During Harsh birth he pecked there, i remember it like a blur. But this feel so different.

His wet lips over my forehead, stirred the emotions which i chained within me.

I closed my eyes tightly not to let him know my feelings.

"Ammu open your eyes" he said softly.

But i nodded my head in denial, as my voice can betray me if i tried to say no verbally.

He kissed my both eyes with such gentleness, which i never knew he had.

"Please" He pleaded.

I couldnt deny anymore, i opened my eyes and looked into his eyes.

It was equally vulnerable as mine.

He cupped my cheeks and peppered kiss all over my face nt leaving an inch.

He took my fisted palms, opened it by kissing each fingers and intertwined my fingers with his. He joined our foreheads and pecked my nosetip.

Slowly one by one he took all the fabrics from our body.

He started to place scorching kisses all over my body, starting from my face moved towards my feet.

He reached my stomach and assaulted the flesh over there by biting and licking, i felt few drops of tear in my lower abdomen, when he kissed the stretch mark over there. He looked up at me and muttered "I m so sorry" ,  tears were flowing uncontrollably from his eyes when he caressed my stretch mark with his fingers.

There is no need for explanation for this apology. We both know well for what he is apologising. Its because of him i went through surgery. My blood pressure became high during my 7th month of pregnancy and it never came down coz of which i had early delivery. During the labour due to this high BP, Harsh was born through C Section.

I was brought back to reality when he caressed me over down there with his fingers.

My stomach twisted when he went down further. My brain alarmed i tried to close my thighs but they are already in his frim grip.

"No" i said looking straight into his eyes, lifting myself up with the support of my elbow in an attempt to situp.

Without breaking the eye contact, he placed his lips over my vertical lips the moment his tongue made contact i fell back on the bed, he repeated his action once twice... and sucked the life out of me.

My hands fisted the bedsheet, eyes rolled back unable to withstand the pleasure his mouth offering to my womanhood.

He made me come undone twice, and took it all in by latching his mouth over there, he came upwards to assault my breast.

This is the first time he went down on me. We never had this kind of stuffs like foreplay before.

After painfully torturing me with his slow passionate assaults for hours, finally he entered me. I felt soo full and he is buried too deep in me.

He placed his one hand behind my neck and the other next to my head.

Nuzzling into the crook of my neck, he told "I missed us Ammu" his voice was hoarse filled with pain.

Thats it,I hugged him. I couldnt hold back any more, his hoarse voice broke my insides, i couldnt see him in pain, afterall i love him. Yes i still love him will do till i die, pathetic right! exactly what love makes a person.

"Ammu i love you, i love you so much" he hugged me tightly almost crushing me, with tears flowing out of his eyes. We both reached high at the same time.

So, tell me how was the chapter.

Yes guys the story is about to end. Some 3 or 4 more chapters i guess.

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