Chapter 37

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After the passionate kiss, both Sara and Ansh sat their awkwardly just like how they were after their first unexpected kiss at Mussoorie.

"I will cook, its almost 4.30 PM, you might not have eaten anything, i m also hungry" Sara broke the silence.

Ansh just nodded his head. Thats it Sara escaped from their room and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

She touched her lips and blushed. She felt butterflies in her stomach even after all these years just by thinking Ansh doing things to her.

Sara cooked plain Brinji as its less time consuming and also Ansh fav.

Sara filled food in the plate and went to their room where Ansh was doing
first aid to his wounds. Seeing Sara Ansh kept the medicine box and went to washroom. After cleaning his hand he came towards Sara who was sitting on the bed with mouthwatering Brinji.

When Ansh was about to get the plate from Sara, She swatted his hands away.

"Sit" she ordered and Ansh obliged. "Open your mouth" yet another command which Ansh followed.

Sara fed him the first morsel, Ansh eyes teared up. "Is it paining much"she asked pointing his injured hand. Ansh nodded negatively chewing the food. "Then why are you crying" Sara asked nonchalantly.
Ansh immediately rubbed the tears away with his hand like a toddler does when his mothers ask for the reason for crying after scolding him.

Sara wished to hug and comfort him, but she couldnt. She wants Ansh to be pull him together by himself. This is not the Ansh she knew, right now he is too sensitive and emotional mess, the reason for this change over in him being her hurt Sara more.

"How did you get injured" Sara asked Ansh feeding him simultaneously.

Ansh "Missed the balance in the bike, while reaching home"

Sara "Be careful while driving. Take rest"

Ansh nodded.

Sara left the room with the plate

They realised their respective mistakes, yet not ready to sort it out or talk about it to eachother. Instead engaged themselves in some other work.

Knowingly or unknowingly both caused more emotional damage to eachother, it will take time to become normal. They cant be all lovey dovey husband and wife immediately, though they yearn for being that they just couldnt.

After two days, Harsh along with his grandparents was back from vacation. Thus making his parents tired by doing every mischievous thing he could.

To keep the child entertained in the vacation is the biggest task for any parents. Here Ansh and Sara escape that responsibilty being working people. Yet their child made sure to squeeze them in the evening, which both happily accepted.

Its Dec 31st, the family was watching movie to kill the time till midnight. Around 11.50 PM everyone reached terrace to see the celebration, at 12 sound of crackers and Happy new yr cheers filled their town, after watching it everyone retired to the room, Harsh went with his grandparents.

Ansh and Sara, lay on their respective sides of the bed. Sara moved towards Ansh and side hugged him.

Though Ansh looked startled by her action, he turned towards her and hugged her by waist.

Sara "Happy New Year Mama"

Ansh's hold on her waist tightened, "Ammu" he called her breathily his eyes turned glassy with tears as she called him mama after years.

Sara's eyes flickered between Ansh's eyes and lips. Seeing this his lips stretched into a smile.

He flipped making Sara to be under him and placed his lips over hers. The kiss was slow initially but became a deep one by passing minutes it lasted for more than 5 minutes until they gasped for air.

Ansh peppered kiss all over sara's face and stopped with a kiss on her forehead. He hugged her tightly to his chest.

They both cuddled and fall into deep slumber with out any burden in their heart after 4 1/2 years.

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