Chapter 30

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Ansh home,

"Ansh why did u came back with us, all of a sudden" Sreenivasan asked Ansh who was sitting on the single couch opposite to him.

"What type of question is this Seenu. Its a wonder he stayed there that too for 20 days" Lakshmi.

"Appa i thought you would miss me and Maa what made you to think that staying in Sara's home as a miracle" Ansh asked his parents.

" We know how you came running back home from ur in-laws place last time. Did u forgot how Sara told me 'Athai ur 28 yr big child became home sick' " Lakshmi said laughing.

Ansh face changed instantly at the mention of Sara, he stood up avoiding his parents eyes .

"Looks like you both are nt happy with me coming home. Anyways i m going to terrace to get some fresh air. Good night" he escaped from there.

He really needed some fresh air. The  thought of Sara crying and him being the reason behind her agony suffocated his heart.


At terrace,

While Ansh was starring at the sky aimlessly srinivasan came and stood next to Ansh.

Srinivasan : Ansh, let me come straight to the point.Is there any problem between you and sara.

Ansh: Not really pa. If me coming back home made u to think so, u are wrong. Like Amma said i cant stay there thats why i came back. Also both Sara and Harsh are doing well now, Athai and mama will take care of them.

Srinivasan "Ok, if you said so. Ansh i have to tell u something, sara came here believing you. You should take care of her and prioritise her. Parents and children will be there for only certain period,but spouse is part of your life thats why we call them as partners. You understand what i mean right"

Ansh "You want me to be prioritise sara just like how you prioritised Amma, and ignored paati?"

Srinivasan "We had love marriage Ansh"

Ansh "So? Even i love Sara, but i know how to balance my love between my parents, child and wife. Unlike you."

"You are nt understanding my point" Srinivasan said defeated.

"Then explain me Pa. What pushed you to do keep your mom at distant, the one who raised u as a single parent. Do you even have an idea how much pain you gave to paati"

"You dont know how much it pained me to keep her at distant.

Generally, we shouldn't speak ill of people who are no more. But now i have to speak else the venomous thought my mom inculcated in you will ruin your marital life.

In this society, victims are portrayed as guilty most of the times, it happens mostly for women.

Your mom has to go through hell for marrying me Ansh. You Know some u dont know many.

When Lakshmi was carrying you, my mom spoke too low and bad about her that i cant even tell you. Thats why we came here seperately. Now you tell me if lakshmi speak this way about Sara can u tolerate it?

Do you remember u would cry that u want siblings, but we couldnt get you one. You know why? Because of my mother.

Soon after your birth do you know what your paati told to us, "Thank god, its a boy. If its a girl no one would have marrie her. Above that this wife of yours cant raise a good girl, she will elope and spoil our family name, just like her mother spoiled her maternal family reputation"

Your mom and I always wanted a girl child, but after what my mom told. Lakshmi was broken so much that she gave up her dream of having a girl child.

We also know that she feeds so many backwards thoughts in you, and feed you with negative thoughts about me and your mom. We never stopped her to spent time with you.

Though she tortured your mom in many ways, she never complained to me Ansh, instead she started to loss her confidence.

I couldn't see her like that, after all she came with me, believing that i will give her best life.

Thus i took the drastic step of being away from my mom for few yrs. U too know how much we cared for her.

Your mom was the one who stopped me from saying this to you, coz you might loss your respect over ur paati, if you come to know her true colour.

All i wanted to say is that, take good care of Sara she is the one who will be there for you through thick and thin." Srinivasan patted Ansh shoulder and retired from there.

Now Ansh understood everything clearly. About his paati, his parents justification, how wrong his ideology over women and how he should treat his wife.

Ansh decided to mend the crack in his marital life.

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