Chapter 29

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After two days, Sara went to her parents home. Sara continued her job till her 8th month as staying in home only made her more depressed. Her baby shower function was held on her birthday(October) at the starting of 9th month itself in a mini hall with close relatives, as Sara's health condition was nt great, she might deliver the baby early.

Ansh used to visit Sara twice a week she didnt denied. Considering the fact that their parents will get doubt if Ansh didnt come, days passed with this routine.

November 13th, at 11.30 PM Ansh received a call from Sara's mom. He got suspicious and picked it up immediately.

(Ansh - A, Janaki - J)

A: Hello Athai Sara is fine right?

P: No Ansh, she got her delivery pain.

A: Athai, i will be there in few minutes. Lets take her to hospital.

Ansh informed his parents and went to Sara's home.

Sara was seated in b/w Janaki and Lakshmi, Ansh drove the car to the hospital.

The painful expression over Sara's face clenched Ansh's heart. He somehow governed himself and reached the hospital.

When Sara was transferred from stretcher to bed, she screamed louder thats it Ansh's eyes teared up. Its nt like he is hearing the scream for the first time.

In this 10 yrs of medical life, he have seen much from damaged organs to blood oozing out of the body, tears, screams, curse, blessings, he even witnessed people losing their life infront of his eyes.

But when Sara screamed, he felt like his life left his body. At this moment, nothing matters to him not even his baby, he want his Ammu, his wife. He wanted to hold her close to his heart and to take her pain away by any means.

Her doe shaped eyes with full blown smile, the way she talks, her blush everything came in front of his eyes.

He came back to reality when the gynaec called him. "Dr.Sriyansh, do you want to come inside"

Ansh "Huh"

(Ansh was sweating his eyes were red)

Gynaec: I understand. U be here.

Ansh gulped the ball of fear in his throat and uttered "Doctor pls"

Gynac: U know btr Dr.Sriyansh. Dont worry.

With that gynaecologist went inside, Nurse took care of the official formalities.

Few minutes later, they were informed its a baby boy. Ansh rushed inside the OT. He didnt even see the baby, he directly ran towards Sara and pecked her forehead who was lying semi- concious. "Ammu" Ansh called Sara cupping her cheeks, relief washed over his entire self seeing her calm face with closed eyes.

"Doctor" one of the staff nurse called him hesitantly.

"Yes, i will wait outside" Ansh composed himself and went out.

Ansh POV

I sat outside the OT and recalled everything happened today, I realised what she meant to me. I was scared to death hearing her scream, her pain squeezed my heart, i felt like all my veins were bleeding, it pained so much to see her struggling in labour. By now i know i m nothing without her, it make sense why her ignorance hurted me. I love her i was obvious to this fact so far, it took me this much time to realise it. She is my life my love "My Ammu" a smile formed on my lips recalling her reaction when i called her as Ammu for the first time, such a baby she is. I will not rush things now like i did before, i will apologies to her first after that i will win her heart which i lost.


During initial days my mom and Athai took care of my son and i took care of my wife. Sara's mom was reluctant to let me handle Sara, but i was adamant that only i will take care of her.

Even Sara was nt interested in me aiding her, but she had no choice as taking care of our baby boy itself was a difficult task, he will be wide awake the entire night and cry if we place him in the bed. He always wants to be in the warmth of human, thus my mom and Athai alternatively took care of the baby.

Days rolled out. We named our son "Harsh". As the name suggest he spreads joy and happiness in our life.

I m staying in Sara's home itself, in day time Athai will take care of Sara, mostly my mom also will come here and help her out. At night i will take care of both my babies. Now Harsh is getting adapted to the sleep cycle. If he is hungry i will help him to feed, most of the times not waking up my sleeping beauty. First when i helped harsh to feed sneakily, she got angry by passing days she got used to it and now she doesnt care.

Today Sara's home is completely packed with both the families. Its our first wedding Anniversary today. Both the families have arranged pooja in temples, a grand feast in the noon and windup the day with a cake cutting ceremony.

After the function, Amma and Athai were preparing dinner, while Mama and Appa were playing with Harsh.

I went to room, expecting Sara's arrival. As predicted she came to the room.


The room was dark, Sara switched on the light. Flowers were beautiful arranged into a word "SORRY", next to that stood Ansh.

Ansh came and stood infront of Sara.

"I m sorry, please forgive me Ammu" Ansh said extending the flower in his hand.

Sara snatched the flower and throwed it away, she furiously went and pulled the bedcover to the floor, messed the decorations Ansh did.

Sara "What did u said 'Sorry'? for what? People will apologise for mistakes not for crime"

"You played with my emotions and asking for a apology. My life is gone.Within a year, my whole damn life is gone. Before i could understand whats happening, i reached here with a baby in my hand and huge responsibility over me. My life is screwed up totally" Sara broke down into tears and sat on the floor over the bedsheet she pulled down.

"Ammu, Pls dont cry. I m sry..I... I will do anything you want, Plsss dont cry" Ansh said controlling the tears that threatened to come out.

Sara "U will do anything?"

Ansh nodded his head yes with hope shining in his eyes.

Sara "Divorce me"

Ansh was shocked.

"You cant right? Even i cant" Fresh tears ran down her cheeks.

"Go away from here. Let me be at peace, I hate seeing you and your fake concern and care " Sara said with a menacing look.

Ansh didnt said anything. He left Sara's home along with his parents.

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