Chapter 27

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Long update

Sara sits on the bed comfortably by supporting her back with pillow and got ready to read the diary of Ansh.
(Its nt an yearly diary instead a bulk blank personalised diary)

Dear Diary,

Today i turned 19, thought to start something new on this bday, and here i am sitting with you. I have been searching for a friend lately to share everything and i found you. You are the best choice who will not make use of my weakness or judge me, will you?

I miss my family, I m in the hostel for past 4 yrs, soon after my 10th std, i joined one renowned boarding school to get into medicine. In all these yrs, i never felt alone because i was completely focused on my studies. Now i m in 2nd yr, as the duration is long i have much free time, maybe thats the reason i feel lonely and to overcome that feeling i have got myself a new friend, thats you.

I love my family so much. Mine is a nuclear family, my parents and Paati (Grandma) thats it. I had no siblings, i really really wanted one but i couldnt get. When i get married i will surely have half dozen of children, wait no! Considering our demographic rate i reduce it to 3 or 4.

Being single child i was pampered so much making my initial days in hostel terrible, i nvr slept alone. I always used to sleep hugging my grandma or Amma, with great difficulty i learnt to sleep and manage things alone.

My life is nt much dramatic, i have few friends and will talk to everyone.Thats all for now, i will keep you updated when something happen in my life, Bye.


Dear Diary,

May be coz i told u my life is very simple, will update you on important thing one such important thing happened the next week itself. Today i lost my virginity to my classmate, its common in my college. 2nd yr is really helping us to explore much more than studies, 😉 Bye.


I m in my 4th yr now, I have had slept with many girls, its normal thing to us in most of the college. Due to academic stress, students use several stress reliever like drug, smoking, alcohol and S**. Since the earlier one were harmful to health, i chose the later which give pleasure as well. Having some fun is no way injurious to health.

Everything was going smooth, until this evening when Indhu told me that she love me after our S** in the hostel room.

I straight away rejected it. If she would have put forward a marriage proposal i might have considered. But when she used the most dangerous word LOVE. I know i shouldn't get into her anymore.

In my life there is no possibility for the relationship with a woman embedded with term LOVE. As i know what this disease called love can do, i will nvr ever become a prey for that. Love destroy the family, it will ruin soo many lives, it will make human selfish. Who knows this better than me.

I have seen this all my life. My grandma (paternal) suffered a lot coz of my fathers blind love for my mom. My grandma stayed in our village all alone for soo many yrs (My parents took care of all her necessities). She came to our house only during her last stage of life and stayed with us only for few months before she passed away, when i was in my 7th grade.

Grandma used to tell me, how my father prioritised my mother over her. She used to tell me how LOVE can break families.

I understood love is a delusion, it will make human very selfish. I dont want to be like my dad. I love my mom, i cant let her get the fate of my grandma.

Another reason why i rejected Indhu's proposal despite knowing she doesnt mean she love me when she proposed. She wanted to get settled with me. Coz i m best at studies also handsome. I m nt exaggerating girls will always drool and try their luck on my well build 6 feet body.

I dont want to get myself tied with these women. They are career oriented, hence will not take care of family. My paati told me girl should put their family first nt their career, if she is focused on making money eventually family will be broken, like one of our Uncle's. Him and his wife both was teachers, their family was always a chaos with ego clash. So i decide not to marry a girl of my profession. I will marry the one my parents choose, coz i dont want to give the pain my mom dad gave to their parents.


Hi dairy, long time ikr. I was busy. Today i joined my PG in Mussoorie Govt medical college. Its one of my dream come true moment. Weather here is too cold. Lets see how my pg life goes.


I m at final yr of my PG. I love every bit of my life here. As a doctor i evolved much btr. 3 yrs rolled out just like that. I learned a lot, explored more ofcourse had many casual s** with many girls from juniors to seniors, i cant deny when girls through themself on me. But not in my home, I love my Mussoorie flat so i nvr allowed others invasion over my close to heart home. Just few more months i will go back from here forever.


Today i met my soon to be wife Sahasra, one of my uncle's daughter, in a most dramatic way. I said yes coz she is my parents choice, we all know each other since childhood. She was ignorant towards me from the begging but i thought she is shy and conservative like my mom said. But she is partying around. The audacity of her, she was hesitant to introduce me as her fiancee, like really I am successful in profession with good looks, how can she ignore me. Such a egoistic girl, my grandma was right women who earns will not respect her husband. If she behaves the same way after marriage then that will be the end of her career.

She even denied my touch.What an irony, women with model like figure are dieing to warm my bed here this fucking short plump is ignoring my touch. Once i get married, i will make her to beg for my attention, by hook and crook i will definitely do that. How dare she ignore me, she will pay for her every single action. I will crush her ego.


Now now, guess who is with me, the great Sahasra. Its been a month to my marriage, that egoistic wife of mine nvr tried to reach out to me, i also didnt when she has this much ego why should i lower mine. She is sleeping peacefully after torturing me last night. She was all over me but i couldnt f*** her. I controlled myself coz i want to hunt this deer in my den. In my bed is the place for her, to loss her ego and arrogance. Just few more days she will pay for everything.


I m wrapping up my things in Mussoorie fastly, so that i can reach home. I m desperate for Sara. The physical tension between us increased out of proportion after our first kiss, unplanned yet the best. It was my first kiss as well, though i had s** i never kissed anyone, kissing someone and all, it felt so gross and dirty for me so i nvr tried such things.

But the kiss left me craving for more, i even thought to kiss Riya (one of my FWB) but the thought itself disgusted me, may be my conscience is not letting me to do it. F*** what the hell i am even thinking. She is making me insane, Argh i cant wait to devour the lips of my wife...


Yesterday i came back home, successfully completing my PG. She was standing there shocked by my early arrival. She was wearing a silk saree and adorned herself like a bride. She looked fucking hot, damn is she this sexy before or now she become more beautiful. I have a long night hence i decided to sleep the whole day.

Night arrived and so my wife. She was really different on bed, very submissive just like how i wanted her to be. This is my first time with a virgin girl, adding the fact its my wife made me more wild. She is inexperienced and was scared. But i enjoyed taking her and she too i guess. It was one of the preety good nights i had. She didnt disappointed me, her treasures are appreciable. Overall i would rate her 7/10 on bed.

Let me know, At this stage, what do u feel abt Ansh.

I will try to update the next chapter soon may be tonight.

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