Chapter 34

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Next day morning, 7 30 AM

Ansh stirred and stretched his hands, finding the bed empty he opened his eyes.

Thinking Sara might be in the kitchen, Ansh carried on his daily routine.

After 2 hrs of spending time in his home gym, Ansh reached his room, Sara entered the room soon after him.

Ansh "Ammu, where did u went this early in the morning, i thought u were in kitchen."

"I was disappointed by your absence on bed" he said pulling sara towards him.

"Huh...Ammu! Dont work out much, i want u to healthy and i miss your love handles" Ansh squeezed Sara's waist.

(After giving birth to Harsh Sara gained wait and to over come postpartum depression, she opted for physical exercise which she never liked before. She works out vigorously daily just like Ansh. She lost so much weight lost all her chubby nature)

Sara tried to distance herself from his sweaty body.

"What happened Ammu? Looks like you dont want to get drenched in my sweat. Did you forget, you almost used to bath in my sweat every night" he said huskily biting her earlobe.

Sara "I didnt forget anything Ansh"

"Sara..." Ansh called her hesitantly, coz she never called him Ansh. She is not calling him mama, but doesnt call by his name either. She used to converse like talking to 3rd person all these yrs, but she nvr took his name.

Sara freed herself from him.

"What happened Ansh? Coming to your points about my body type, i will try to gain shape like you want. Also you dont have to worry about my health, here you go choose one for me. Sara gave him two strips of tablets.

Ansh "Whats this?"

Sara " You are doctor only right? Ok! No problem I will tell you. This one is contraceptive pills and this is vitamin tablets. If you want baby i will eat this vitamin tablets. If you want pleasure, i will go for this contraceptive pills. Choose one soon"

Ansh "Sahasra"

"What Ansh? I m for this purpose only right, to warm your bed. This is what u wrote in ur diary. Isnt it? " Sara asked him furiously.

Ansh smiled at her bitterly with tears in his eyes.

Sara's ego was satisfied seeing his pain. His pain subdued hers.

She thought he would manhandle her but he didnt instead he left the place.

She was angry on herself for letting him to be with her last night. She was disgusted over her as she couldnt deny his touch and the way his proximity affecting her.

She hated the fact that she still loves him despite all he had done to her.

Thus she took this step, she wanted to punish him and she successfully did it. Now he will not try to persuade her.

Ansh came back with his diary in his hand.

"I wish u read it fully 4 yrs ago, we might not be at this stage now. I thought i could earn your forgiveness and change you by my love but i failed" Ansh placed the diary on the bed and left the room.

"What did he meant by reading fully? What he might have return after that?" Sara questioned herself and took the diary with trembling hands.

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