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After 2 1/2 years

Sara ran to her room hearing the loud scream of the child. She immediately picked up the child from the bed and hugged, instead of being calm the child cried even louder if possible and hugged her tightly.

"What did you do mama?" Sara asked Ansh who was sitting on the bed.

"The same everyday stuff" Ansh muttered.

"Pch.. why did you do this mama? " Sara asked irritated and went downstairs with the baby. Ansh followed her.

"Again he made her to cry" Srinivasan who was reading newspaper questioned his daughter-in-law.

Sara nodded her head.

Srinivasan "Why Ansh"

"What why Ansh. You all accuse him like he did some mistake" Lakshmi spoke simultaneously applying oil on Harsh hair.

"Exactly ma.. I just tried to feed her as she woke up" Ansh said annoyed.

"Thats what i am also asking, Why did you do, you should have called me mama." Sara said in equally annoyed tone.

"We all know, she wants to see her mother first when she woke up in the morning. Then why are you making her cry" Srinivasan.

Lakshmi "He is her dad seenu, beside she shouldn't be this clingy to her mom. We are not aliens, are we?"

Srinivasan "She is little child Lachu, she doesnt understand anything"

Lakshmi "She doesnt understand? She merrily bid good bye to her mom when she get ready for office and stick to us the whole day only to ditch when her mom comes back."

Ansh "Maa.. its good that how maturely she understand the situations and act accordingly. Why are you scolding her"

Lakshmi "Just great! Ansh, i m talking here supporting you and you just backed off making me look like a villain.

No wonder she change according to the situation. Just like her dad both in looks and character"

"Obviously my daughter will be like me. She is part of me thats why i named her Shrinidhi just like how you named me as Sriyansh ( Sriyansh - Name of lord vishnu which means part of Lakshmi).

My daughter is the reason for my life, she is my angel ma" Ansh said while taking now calm shri from Sara's hold and kissed her cheeks.

Shri laid her on head on her father's shoulder and clinged to him just like she doesnt made any ruckus after seeing him a while ago in the bed.

"The drama you people create on Sunday, God!Harsh you are my chellam, come paati will bath you" saying this lakshmi left the hall.

Sara went to kitchen to cook, the family had their brunch together happily chit chatting.


Few months after reconciliation, Sara became pregnant again, Ansh imposed same set of rules except the C type pregnancy pillow was replaced to Ansh, few kisses and oral makeout along with cuddles. Also this time Sara stayed in Ansh place through out the pregnancy, stayed only for a month in her maternal home post delivery.

Sara gave birth to a girl child. As she resembled Ansh, they named her Shrinidhi. Though Shri looks like Ansh she is more clingy to her mom. She will make a huge fuss, if sara isnt beside her when she wakes up. She will be with everyone but more dependent and attached to her mom.

Sara always make sure she is beside Shri with her milk bottle when she wake up. But sometimes Ansh pull stunts like today trying to grab his daughter's attention and love. He tries hard to make her daddy's girl but he couldnt may be not for the time being.

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