Chapter 36

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Sara closed the diary. She felt very empty, all her anger seems to be meaningless, the pain is still there but she couldnt pin point wether its coz of things happened in the past or due to the newly found details.

She sat there on the bed for hrs without moving an inch, replaying everything happened in her life. She came back to reality when the door flung open.

There came Ansh, in a most dishelved state. His eyes were slightly red, there are few scratches with blood on his elbow and forearm.

"What happened" Sara rushed towards Ansh and started to examine his left hand.

"Wohoo...Why do u panic? Think what if its my another tactics to gain your attention? No no you cant get fooled by this" Ansh told looking down at Sara.

Sara closed her eyes tightly, holding his palm in hers.

"Dont touch me, I may take advantage on you, i am a pervert right" Ansh asked Sara withdrawing his hands from hers.

Sara didnt respond.

Ansh fisted her hair and pulled it back so that her eyes meet his. "What did you said on our wedding night? You told me that according to you 'Marriage is an agreement between two individual to be together. You also told me that you dont have great trust over marriage. My thought was more or less same as yours. Then how us having s** can be a wrong or considered as betrayal.

Forget about last night, did i ever forced myself on you? Did i ever touched you without your concern? I nvr did marital rape, did I? The physical tension between us was so thick, that made us to consummate our wedding. It was mutual, i did made a move but i m not a fool to not understand those looks you gave me, touch your heart and tell me that you didnt wanted me to have you.

I never once asked about your past, coz it doesnt matter to me. When i m not virgin i cant expect you to be. But you did, always brought my past. I understand your possessiveness your love...God, i m talking unnecessary things." Ansh muttered and released his hold over Sara's hair.

"I did tried my best Ammu... To make things right, to earn your forgiveness...I did..." Ansh was chanting more to himself.

He closed his eyes and massaged his temples. Blood started to ooz out from his elbow as he folded his hands.

"So much blood is coming, show me your hand first" Sara tried to get hold of his hands but Ansh pushed her hands away in the process Sara's hand hit the cupboard, the glass bangles in her hand was broken and it pricked her skin.

"I m so sorry, i didnt mean to hurt you." Ansh panicked and took her hands in his.

He made her to sit on the bed and carefully removed the glass pieces that pricked in, by sitting beside her.

"You are so fragile. Do you remember, when we first met you got bruises just by my grip from then i made sure not to hurt your delicate skin, even when lust cloud my mind i was so concious not to manhandle your body. But you accused me of hurting you?

I didnt tell all this to make you feel guilty or to gain your apology. Its just that i never intended to hurt you. Trust me i never wanted to nor i will ever do that.

"Nee yen uyiru d Ammu. En sandosham, en vaazhkai elamae nee dan d. Sethruvan d ne ilana.

(You are my life Ammu. My happiness, my life you are my everything. I will die with out you.)."
Ansh said with teary eyes.

Sara broke into tears, without saying a word she cupped his cheek and kissed his lips and Ansh reciprocated it.

They kissed with such a passion, conveying the unsaid apology to each other in the kiss, with tears flowing uncontrollably from their eyes.

Guys, previously i asked what do u feel about Ansh, when Sara read his diary for the first time

I am asking again, now whats your opinion about Ansh, after Sara reading the diary fully.

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