(Chouzetsu/ Turbo) Coach Flirty Shu Kurenai x Shy! Student Reader

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Requested: AiriShizuka

Thanks for the request^^ and there's some romantic and mostly flirty moments. Hehe :3

Type of this story:
(☁️ + ❤)

Hope you like this story!!


At the training centre
On 1:30 p.m

(Third's Person POV)

In Raging Bull, a teenage girl was battling with her coach/mentor at the training center, only two of them after her coach trained with his first student.

"Now (S/M)!!!" Her bey went to red bey with super speed and hit it with it strength. He secretly grinned.

"Not so fast! Spryzen, Turbo Whip!!" Spryzen attacked (B/B/N) as her bey bursted for a second.

A (h/c) haired female losed. Albino male pick his bey the his gaze on you as he took her bey that already bursted and gave it to her.

"You're getting stronger, (Y/N). It's fine to be lose we can still battle next time." He said as she take took her bey until he hold her hand with flirty way. She blushed as he continued.

"And I really want to hold you more, cutie." He said in flirtatious tone as she look at his crimson locked and saw he was smirk kinda pervert. She blushes even more, making his smirk even wider.

"C-Can I-I g-go n-now?" She asked while stuttering in shy because of his touch and he didn't let go. He still smirk.

"I can't, babygirl. Wanna eat lunch with me?" He said in flirty way. (Y/N) can't take it anymore as she struggled and he finally let go with a frowned.

"S-Sorry, S-Shu. I-I b-better g-get g-going." With that, she ran off blushing very hard before she could fainted. His frown expression into a smirk.

"You avoided me again, cutie. I'm not done with you yet~" He said, walking off to his office while thinking about his belove(d) student.
(Author's POV)

In which (Y/N), who was Shu Kurenai's student was a shy female blader in this building, not the whole world or whole country.

Reader joined Raging Bull since last year before he came back in America after the tournament.

Ever since you joined at there and become Shu's second student, he started being a flirty when he was with you.

He even make you flustered sometimes and it make you even more shy and tinted red on your cheeks.

You were even try to avoid him as much as you can, keyword; try, but he was still with you and stuck with him like glued.

Meanwhile Fubuki, Shu's first student, saw everything that his mentor was flirting with (Y/N) as he pretend that he saw nothing.

Shu flirt with you in the public too, that's why reader-chan avoiding him eventhough he was your coach.

Shu, on the other hand, had on his mind that he want your attention, only you.

That's all my information, onto the story!
At the cafetaria
On 7:09 p.m.

(Reader's POV)

I was eating my favourite food along with Fubuki and flirtatious coach eating spaghetti carbonara.

I chewed the food and I can feel Shu was staring at me with a flirty look. I blush slightly and eat quitely while Fubuki look at me and Shu.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now