Living in regret

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Hello . Hope you're doing well everyone. I am delighted with your responses and will try to make this short story a worthy read.


Lan Zhan resented his immortality.

It was little fortunate that Lan Xichen was with him. They could look out for each other and he felt thankful they were together. Even though it's hurts him to say goodbye to Lan Xichen every few decades.

Fate has snatched Wangji love and cursed him with immortality, while it punished others by blessing them with their love while snatching their cultivation from them

As  his hands moved on their own  routine of preparing breakfast , his mind drifted towards the aftermath of Wei Wuxian death. It was one of most painful and darkest days of Gusu lan sect . Lan Wangji was recovering from his self inflicted Whip

3 days of Wei Ying death .

" I was the hero in  the Sunshot Campaign and now I dying for the people I once saved and love . It's a worthy death. Good bye Lan Zhan! LET'S NEVER EVER MEET AGAIN . '' Wei ying smiled a menacing smile , he is covered in blood, bichen is sticking out of his chest , with one last glance of hate and indifference,  Wei Wuxian  disappeared from Wangji vision .

No .

Panic ripped through him.

With startled shout , Lan wangji woke up gasping for air. He bolted upright and desperately took long mouthful) of air, gulping to try and get the nausea to recede. His hands were shaking and he could listen his own heart hammering in his ears.

He took a deep breath, inhaling, and exhaling, squeezing his eyes closed to shut away the gruesome images of Wei Ying covered in blood. As he tried to calm himself,his wits return to him with sudden startling clarity.  HE killed his lover for the world.

Suddenly the air and silence atmosphere of jingshi seems mocking to him . He don't  want silence , he want Wei Ying  chatter , Want him to call his name . The way Wei Ying and only Wei Ying calls his name: Lan-Zhan.

Hanguang-Jun! Are you there ??" A voice called out , snapping him out his mourning. 

With heavy heart and unwilling body, he dragged himself to the door . A servant awaits outside for him, holding a lunch tray.

" Congratulations Hanguang-Jun. I heard you slayed the Yilling patriarch and then pushed him from the cliff to lava steam. It's good thing, you not only killed but also destroyed his soul. Here after Wei Wuxian will never return or reborn again " .

The Lan senior disciple, smiling widely with excessive amount of happiness, not noticing nor hearing Lan Wangji soul breaking sound or his silent horror to the information.

" " Wangji whispered more to himself than the latter.

" Yes, Hanguang-Jun.  The lava is one of the five elements of earth. It's connected with fire and fire denotes purity. Wei Wuxian core is corrupted by resentment, so is his soul.  There are many theories and proofs, that fire is used to destroy and purify Resentment.  Wei Wuxian soul is destroyed by hot Lava steam. Even Grand master Lan Qiren confirmed it " The disciple explained happily , very obvious to the pain and impact his words are causing to the Second jade.

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