Classes & Red Ribbon

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Far, far away, Xiao Zhan hands finally stop trembling long enough for him to relax and think. ( I need to finish my job soon and leave from here ) he thinks as he walked in the direction of his class

"Lan Jingyi! Stop throwing paper at Jin ling " are the first words he heard as he entered the chaotic class room of mischievous boys.


The Lan Institute was a prestigious institution and would be an added value to his resume. Furthermore, teaching came naturally to him. At the past he did it voluntarily. He enjoyed turning the literature that most students felt bored into fascination. All the students loved him and he had a very disciplined class always.

Yes , he will manage this choas. It's not bad . Xiao Zhan thought to himself as he took a deep breath.

Ugh! Why do we have to remember these things? What is the purpose of us knowing a lot of difficult words? What is the connection between poetry to history?" one of the student whined.

That seems to be a last line for Xiao Zhan patience, with determined mind , he walked into the centre of the class and loudly put down his book infront of whole class.

In seconds the chotic class turned silence and each and every student eye turns to him.

" Good morning to you all. I am Xiao Zhan ! Your new literature teacher. If you have any difficulties , you can approach me . " He introduced himself with small bow.

" Now, can I know what prompt the question about art connection to history " Xiao Zhan asked looking at each of them . He had decided the night before to assign absolutely no homework other than reading as it was supposed to be his first class. This question give him a insight to knew each of his students thoughts and their subject knowledge better.

"We are arguing over a poem that teacher Lan Wangji  taught us and it's connection to history" a boy in Lan family uniform answered

Xiao Zhan just started at Lan Yuan for a few second, before nodding. " "What the poem is about "

" It's about two guys who lives in ancient china. We can't find name , expect one guy wears black dress and another wears blue dress. The poem narrates about the great betrayal of blue guy to the black guy. " Lan jingyi says .

" Betrayal, how did the blue guy betray the black man '' Xiao Zhan asked curiously as this is the first time he is hearing about this poem .

" The blue guy and the black guy went to same school. Later the blue guy falls in love with the black guy. There is a war and the black guy last everything but won the war and made all the people live peacefully.  a year of after the war the blue guy kissed the black guy, when he was in the blindfold after participating archery competition and got together with him. Later there seems to be some problem when the black guy gave refuge to poor and old people . The blue guy stabbed the black guy to save his reputation and throw his body to volcano. " Lan Sizhui finished obvious to his teacher very pale state.

" What ....What's the name of the ballad and who wrote it " Xiao Zhan asked shakey with Little slutter. His hand whipping two drops of tears from his eyes .

" The red ribbon written by fuddy duddy. It's director lan family collection of poem , you can't find it anywhere expect here. It's in our text book '' Lan Jingyi answered looking at his sweating teacher .

" Are you alright Teacher Wei . You look Little sick " Zizhen asked looking at him worriedly.

" I am fine. It's the climate ...I am not used to Gusu weather. You all read that poem and give me your interpretation tomorrow. Time up , let's meet tomorrow. " With that Xiao Zhan hastily leave the class, hearing the bell rang somewhere vaguely.

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