Mug of bittersweet life

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Wei Wuxian breath comes out a white cloud, disappearing into the cold morning air, as he rubs his hands together in an attempt to warm them up. The streets are filled with vendors and people, the atmosphere is light and lively. Wuxian smiles as he makes his way through the crowd, browsing through the various items on display.

“Would you like some loquats?”

A friendly grand ma asks looking up from the rows of fruits .

Loquats ! It's been so long since I ate it. Today I am going to buy myself a basket and finish it, this time I won't share it with Lan Zhan,  Wei Wuxian enthusiastically thought digging for his purse, when he found he forgot them.

'' Do you have mobile payment app"? Wei Wuxian asked taking his mobile out , but the older women shook his head no.

" oh. Okay ...then I can't buy...

'' Give me a basket of Loquats " A all too familiar deep voice asked , extending the cash to shop owner.

Wei Wuxian looks up to see Lan Zhan wearing a baby blue coat and looking so attractive.  ( No , no...I can't think him as attractive.  Beauty kills and he is danger ) Wei Wuxian chastise himself.

" For you " Lan wangji says putting the basket in Wei ying hand .

" No , I am good and I don't accept free gifts from strangers.  What if you sprayed poison on it and tried " Wei Ying snaps, all ready to fight Lan Wangji infamous stare .

But to Wei Wuxian astonishment,
Lan Wangji opens his mouth but no answer comes out. A mixture of pain and sorrow plague his eyes.

Guilt rush inside Wei Ying heart as he saw the tears forming in golden eyes . ( what I am doing. This Lan Wangji is not the one who betrayed me or killed me yet I am showing my anger on him. He is Lan Wangji look like reincarnation....I am behaving like Madam YU ) .

" I don't want to get anything free from you , how about I pay you for this basket " Wei Wuxian aka Xiao Zhan asked this time little softly.

Wangji immediately pulled out his phone pay and showed it too him .

He looked so much like a eager child who gets his candy after being denied.

Ahh Lan Wangji...Lan Zhan...what I am doing with Huaisang is right , I can't keep running from him. The only thing that confusing is " He called me Wei Ying, which clearly states he remembers our past then why he is behaving like this as if he still loves me .

Or did he ?

No , he doesn't...he must be guilty for the deception and the betrayal. Lans are always rightous , it must be his guilt for the way he treated me .

Wei Wuxian was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear a dog barks until he saw it .

His skin turned  pale, sweat beading on his forehead and neck, tremors wracking his entire body.

Lan Wangji rushes closer and Wei Ying launches himself at him, burying his face in Lan Wangji’s neck and clinging like a monkey.

Remembering Wei Wuxian fear, Lan Wangji stare down the dog until it all but ran away.

Wei Ying shakes his head against Lan Wangji’s neck. His back rises and falls rapidly under Lan Wangji’s fingers. " Wei Ying, it ran away . It's gone "

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