Breath Of Air

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Hello... Hope everyone are doing well .

" I found you. Wei Ying " Lan Wangji mentally screamed but his posture remain stiff and frozen like other participants. Somewhere he hears a Nie Huaisang Phone breaking sound and a curse leaving Jiang Cheng's mouth but none is powerful enough to make Wangji's eyes move from the man before him. The man who melts the ice in the jade heart once. The one who died in Wangji's hands

Oh!" the man says, blinking. he smiles his eyes crease at the corners. "I'm sorry, I think I am in the Wrong room but are you guys alright? You all look like you saw your Worst nightmare in me "

" A-Xian " Yanli called out in a hoarse voice but instead of warmth and love, the man's eyes for a second revealed sadness, and then like before it was masked.


" I think you mistaken me. I am not A-Xian or whatever. I am Xiao Zhan , the new history professor of this University. I think you all mistake me for some one " Xiao Zhan dismisses their claim with far more calm in his voice than exists in his chest.

" My mistake .... I apologise" Jiang Yanli whispered, closing her eyes so that she did not have to see her brother haunted face .

" No need. I personally find apologize as intolerable. Just don't repeat it . After all you can't just kill any one and then apologize to them right. " Xiao Zhan replied coldly , making Yanli cry.

Wangji breath caug

"Excuse me, I need to find my class smiling, Xiao Zhan made his way over to the bar.

A ragged breath tore through his chest as Wangji tried to find words " I will....I can take you "

This made Xiao Zhan push and for the first time since that whole conversation, he turned his gaze on the golden eye man with a little laugh.

Before they can talk , the door opened again and Xue Yang returned .

Xue Yang blinked his eyes as if seeing a dream

Xue Yang whispered in shock " Xiao Zhan " . For a moment everything froze as everyone watched the normal moody Xue yang smile like a child before he all but jumped on Xiao Zhan

" Of course it's me, you dumb ass!' Xiao Zhan snapped out grumpily as he try to untangle himself from the octopus grip .

Distinctly they both heard a few cursing but both are too happy in each other company to pay attention.

Lan Zhan stared at them with some unknown look in his eyes.

" What are you doing here . You told me that you will never set your foot in Asia , then why now. Don't tell me you are here to make my Waist and legs sore again. It took me nearly 4 days to recover after that night in hotel "

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