Poems and Truth

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Hello !
Hope you're doing fine.

Wei Wuxian will not kill me. Well I hope he won't..... atleast as long as he didn't see the whip scars . " Nie Huaisang mused hiding behind his fan.


Wei Ying is already late. He figures an iced coffee can’t hurt. There’s no point in punishing himself. It isn’t even his fault this time , well if only Lan brothers didn't confront him, he could be on time .

The students of Gusu university  already sat at their writing desks when the time came for the lecture to start.  Sizhui the ever good boy tried to keep the class quiet as much as possible as they wait for Wei Wuxian arrival.

" Hey , Jingyi ! Did you finish the homework" Jin ling asked.

" Yes ! Infact , The red ribbon poem has a connection with history. You won't believe what I find in uncle Huaisang personal collection "

Wei Wuxian paced inside the room like a man who could walk dozens of miles in a day and still be restless . " Good morning students. I hope you all done with your homework . Do you have any questions? "

Wei Wuxian asked looking at his class of 30 students. No matter how bad his morning was, once he entered this room ...he is their teacher and they are his radishes for next 1 hour. Lan wangji be damned.

" Teacher Wei , I brought related materials to the poem ' Red Ribbon' . These books were written by second Nie brother and passed down from centuries before " Lan Jingyi answers giving Wei Wuxian what supposed to be a very old and classical book.

As soon as Wei Wuxian saw the Nie sect symbol, his breath hitches. It's been so long since cultivators ceased to exist and he thought everything about cultivation is destroyed too.

it wasn't supposed to be like this. none of this wasn't supposed to happen. they were supposed to have a nice lesson in history with Wei Wuxian.

" Teacher Wei ! Are you alright?" Wei Ying vaguely heard as he started at the book as if it was a ghost.

" huh , Yes ..Ji..Lan jingyi , where did you get it ." He stammered looking at grinning Jingyi.

" It belongs to my uncle , I remember vaguely reading about same story of red ribbon in this book. So I took it. What happened?" Jingyi asked anxiously.

" Does he know...did you ask permission?" Jin ling asked

" No . I am sure uncle won't say anything. " Jingyi replied little flustered.

As a good teacher Wei Wuxian should condemn Lan Jingyi but unfortunately his body and mind are lost in the title of the book " Apology to Yilling Patriarch  by Your betrayer."

Wei WuXian stared wide eyed with shock at title.

" Why Huaisang is having this book ?"

" What betrayal he is talking about ?"

" Lan wangji is the one who betrayed me . What's going on"

Confused with so many thoughts, Wei Wuxian opened the book and it's first page.

A short message is written in the first page  in Huaisang neat handwriting.

" Guilt is the worst punishment anyone could ask for. I am sorry Yandro for killing you . When ever I see the second jade face, my guilty heart is bleeding inside my ribs cage . we saved the sun remains but it did nothing to soothe the guilt  This book is unvoiced apology to  you Yilling Patriarch, My once good friend. "

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