Wei Ying & communication

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Typically, Wei Wuxian is not the type to get drunk. No matter how many glasses of alcohol, he has, it usually is never enough to get him drunk.

Today, however, it seems to have got the best of him. He lost count of how many glasses he threw down and everything was a little fuzzy around the edges. He could feel the words echo in his head again and again as he drown himself in his pain .

With the self knowledge he has reached his alcoholic limits, he called his emergency contact that Nie Huaisang saved for him.

Nie Huaisang !!

As he remembered...his friend?...no  enemy?..no ....ahhhh...never mind.

Pushing his empty bottle across the bartop where the bartender is already sliding a new one into his waiting hand, Wei Wuxian smiles. He's been there for at least a couple hours now and hasn't made a motion for the drinks to stop coming

His phone buzzes on the bar top. It's been facedown since he arrived . Curious to know the sender, Wei Ying opened his message and saw a simple

" I am here " - Lan Zhan

Wei Wuxian blinks slowly, suddenly quite aware of his own eyes. He looks at the time. 23:19.

Why Lan Zhan is messaging me ? Wait...Why he is awake now? Isn't lan bed time is 9 . Did I wake him up ?

Perhaps I might , Wei Ying thought . I must be more drunk than I  assumed i was. That or whatever beer I have been drinking is just that much stronger that I  must have called him .

He  tucks his phone back into his pocket and finish off his drink and  payed  his tab. As he tried to  walk , stumble out of his balance and find himself falling into strong hands .

He blinks sluggishly again and finds it takes a bit more effort to open his eyes as he stares into unfamiliar pair of dark eyes .

He can hear his phone ringing but Wei Wuxian felt locked in that man arms as if he is caged and not in a good way .

Everything inside him fought him to move and his instinct screaming him to move and ran away but Wei Ying felt rooted to spot as if he is hypnotized.

Panic  swell in Wei Wuxian's chest as he find unable to access his core. It's as if his Yin core is sealed . He tried to move his body but at this point, the beer is really hitting, and he's running out of brain capacity.

" It's looks like you're too wasted to stand on your own. How about I help you to my room upstairs, little sheep "

" No " he slurps loudly, his head suddenly feeling oddly heavy, and the waves that had once been lapping gently in each of his limbs are now threatening to pull them down, heavy like stone.

" Well , too bad. I decided to help you " the stranger with piercing eyes replied, digging his fingers in Wei Ying wrist,which Wei Ying was sure to bruise.

Wei Wuxian can't even protest because his body  was crashing  together like the worst pile-up ever, and the gears in his head are turning like a broken clock, making him dizzy .

" Let's go" The man said gripping Wei Wuxian hand .Wei Wuxian's stomach had rolled uncomfortably hard, and he'd pulled back so fast he was surprised he hadn't gotten whiplash.

" Leveee me.... IamImmort.."

" Let him go " A familiar rigid voice  ordered and Wei Ying find himself in a familiar set of arms holding his shoulder .

All the body moments and sense that his body lost before, got  regained at once . He can feel his spiritual power running in his meridians, as he got removed from the stranger touch.

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