Doubts and Clues

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If you want I will drop you in the university" Wangji offered .

" No need. I will take the bus and stop stalking me. You can't fool me twice " Wei Wuxian snaps , leaving from there after paying the bill.

If only Wei Wuxian turned back and saw Lan Wangji, he could have seen the tears falling from the golden eyes.

Before Wei Wuxian can open the door of cafe and leave, he was blocked by both Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen.

Is there something you want Director Lan " Wei Wuxian asked with smile that looked so fake.

Both Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue shared a look with eachother before bowing deep infront of Wei Wuxian, startling him

" what ..Why ...."

" We are sorry for the harm that we did to you. I know we have no rights to ask this and it's 700 years too late , yet ...Wei Wuxian I am sorry for the seige. " Lan Xichen finished.

" Sorry for misunderstanding you and the reason for your demise " Nie Mingjue apologized looking so regretful.

" unbelievable,” Wei Wuxian spat with unusual bitterness..." Why you people are so delusional. I am not Wei

" We know who you are. Wangji identified you , he knows you better . Even  your grand mother register the apartment for your real name  You're Wei Wuxian " Lan Xichen confirms .

His skin itched all over as he realised he got caught. With a manic smile that look so close to his Yilling patriarch time, he crossed his arms .

" No wonder , your brother no..acted very decently. So what's the plan this time Lan do you plan to kill me. Is it the same script like last time. Acting like you loved me and then stab me " Wei Wuxian asked looking so pissed off.

Lan Wangji choked

Lan Zhan’s arms came up around him like a band of cage . Wei Wuxian felt the urge to fight his way out with tooth and claw as he felt trapped between the arms he loves and hates too much .

" No . Not an act , Never an act " Wangji cried out hugging Wei Ying tighter. Despite all the anger towards Wangji , Wei Wuxian heart ached when Wangji tears touched his neck.

" Wei Ying ! Kill me..hate me.. Wangji deserves it ..... .. it's not an act ....Wangji loves you "  A wet, wretched sob tore through his chest as the mighty Lan Wangji dropped to  his knees and bowed to him

Wei Wuxian scoffs, a side smile tugs his lips up " If stabbing me with your sword is love then I am afraid I have to reject it . Even Madam YU love is better than yours . "

Watching Lan Wangji cry was an experience he could not quite put into proper words. As soon as those words left his mouth, Wangji gasped.

His hands balled into fist and heaving a heavy breath , unmindful of other people , he   closed his eyes  tight against the distinctive sting as the words hit him ,  making more tears squeeze out. Wei Wuxian stared into into glassy golden orbs when they opened once more. They were filled with long lasting pain.

It left him satisfied with the knowledge he brought it. He made Lan Wangji cry

Instead of  feeling happy at his achievement,  Wei Wuxian felt an open infected wound bleed inside his heart. A wound that never healed in his 700 years of life.

" WANGI ! GET UP. STOP CRYING"  Lan Xichen tried to help but Wangji refused.

" Lan wangji! Why are you making a scene. I already told you I would happily die by your hand , it also happened. I have no regrets in my death. My only regret is your lies and acting. You're repeating it again. It's disgusting. "

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