deceptions and Lans

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I hope you all doing well. Since oracle of pearl is completed, I will write this story .


Wei Ying rushes straight towards one of the bathrooms. He sets his backpack on the floor and leans forward with both hands on the sink. His reflection is messy with growing bags under his eyes and tangled black strands falling out of his bun. The bathroom is blissfully empty and he thanks whoever's up there for a second before turning the tap on to splash cold water onto his face.

" No ! No ..I called him Hanguang-jun. What if he finds out. What if he has past memories? What will I do ? Will he kill me again.. .500 years I avoided him , if not for Huaisang , none of this could have happened. " Wei Ying lamented to himself as he walked back and forth in empty washroom

After some panicked rants Wei Ying finally picks up his bag. The door to the bathroom opens just as he steps forward to get out and Wei Ying nearly curses when the brown eyed man blocked his exit .

" I thought you had run away again Xiao Zhan or should I call you Wei Wuxian" Nie Huaisang asked smirking a little.

" Why didn't you tell me! I nearly blown my cover today. I called him Hanguang-jun. It's good thing he didn't remember his past life or he could have killed me again " Wei Wuxian asked furiously

" Tch...I know you won't come to china if I told you he is here. As for killing you , I assure you he won't do it " Nie Huaisang promised .

After a moment of silence , Wei Wuxian smiled little aloof and looked behind Nie Huaisang shoulder as if he is looking at something or remembering something and voiced out " That's what I too thought but in the end he proved me he is like everyone.." shaking his head dejectedly he continued.
" No ... atleast they didn't lied to that they love me before sticking a sword inside my heart "

Huaisang drew a sharp breath as he heard those painful words from Wei Ying. Even after centuries it's apparent the betrayal of Lan Wangji hurt Wei Wuxian like a fresh wound ...he wonder will it ever heal .

" I am not supporting Lan Wangji but I think you should speak with him honestly rather than avoiding him in fake identity. " Huaisang advised.

" I rather not do anything with him..I never hated anyone in my whole life as I hate him . Even Wen Choa and Madam YU are better than him , atleast they didn't betray me with false feelings " Wei Wuxian scoffed

On hearing him Nie Huaisang gulped hard and moving little step back , he asked tenderly " Wei Wuxian what will you do if you find Lan Wangji is victim like you or more like someone promised him to save you and convinced him to stab you but they failed in their plan "

On hearing Nie Huaisang, Wei Wuxian laughed hard . " Why could anyone wants to save me . Even my own sister and brother wants me to die . I can't face Lan Wangji as Wei Ying ... it's too much. To think those eyes looked me with love ...only to betray me later....he disgust me " Wei Wuxian says rushing from there , leaving Nie Huaisang there in guilt.

( I am sorry Lan Wangji, because of me ..he hated you still. I wonder what he will do if he finds you're the same person that stabbed him not some reincarnation ..or I cheated you with fake pills and really made you kill him..... ) Nie Huaisang thought shivering a little in fear at the thought of Wei Wuxian finding the truth.

( Not to say because of me, Lan Wangji whipped himself to death and landed in coma for 7 years and later played enquiry for 700 years ! )

For which crime of mine , Wei Wuxian will punish me....will he kill me for killing him or for causing pain to his Lan Wangji.

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