Xiao Zhan / Wei Ying

947 67 48

Hai ...


" The storm and Tsunami waves had left a Miracle on their awake. A land that was believed to be buried under the deep sea for more than 600 years has now emerged Researchers are speechless at the discovery of this Island. A MIST of Black Fog was spotted over the land, making it hard for the people to venture inside. The government has promised to make a team to further investigate this land. So far, the only evidence they have is a city board name with ' Yilling' " The news reporter finished.

Silence fell on the Lan dining table as everyone watched the news with unblinking eyes.

" Burial mounds," both twin jades say simultaneously. The horrible memories connected with that place assaulted their mind. Lan Xichen's hand subconsciously moved to the place where his core resided, before it was melted away with other cultivator's cores in burial mounds.

" I will call Mingjie, Jiang Wanyin, and Jin Zixuan. They needed to know this, we may not be cultivators now but this place is connected to four sects. Wangji call Xiao Xing Chen and Xue Yang, they needed to be informed about this. We need to act quickly before the mediocre people find out about cultivation " Lan Xichen ordered in his sect leader tone as he scrambled away to get his phone.

Lan Zhan can't help but look at the place he sealed with Xue Yang's help after a few years of Wei Ying's death. The place where fate played his last yet worst cruel card at him. The place where Lan Wangji of Gusu finds himself immortal.

Gentian University

"What are we going to do now? What's the new plan? We can't allow the people to dig that place " Jiang Cheng questioned the room full of former cultivators.

After Lan Xichen informed the situation to others, they all decided to meet at Gusu Lan University.

" Let's wait for Xue Yang. He may know or at least have an idea about what to do in this situation" Wen Qing spoke, trying to calm her boyfriend.

" Wangji! Did Xue Yang tell you anything about this on the phone" Lan Xichen asked his silent brother

" No! He said he will give his report after examining the mist. We should wait for him " the second Jade answered, his posture rigid and poised as it had been even before his cultivation days.

" How much time does he need? He is a reputed yin cultivator yet he is taking too much time in dealing with small mist. If only Wei Wuxian was here, he could have solved it quickly.  " Jiang Cheng grumbled.

Lan Wangji flinches upon hearing the name.

Lan Xichen can't help but look worriedly at his brother. There are only a few things that can ignite this reaction in his didi and the most obvious and painful one is always Wei Wuxian. Most of his reactions had been born from a deep heartwrenching sadness or grief; when he'd lost the things he'd held dear in his life when his choices had brought forth more pain than good.

Only Lan Xichen knew how much it hurt his brother when Jin cultivators hold Wen's remains as prisoners in sword edge and demanded Wei Wuxian's death in exchange for their freedom.

" Why are you flinching? It's because of you that we are in this situation.  If only you didn't destroy Wei Wuxian's soul, none of it could have happened " Jiang Cheng shouted, Venting out his grief.

" Enough jiang Wanyin! Stop hurting Wangji with your accusations.  Let's not forget, it's you who agreed to Jin Guangshan's demand first. You are the one who started the siege first. What do you expect Wangj to do, even if A-Yuan was held at the sword's edge?  He helps....."

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