Prompt 26: Never Cry ||Donald||

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Donald Na cried his heart out after he visited his mother's ashes at the columbarium. He poured all of his sorrow out with his devastated sobs. This would be the last time he would cry.

His stepfather had run off with his mother's life insurance money. Donald had dropped out of school, meaning he no longer had money from the Work-Study Program. 

He needed money to survive. Money was power. Money was life.

He was not allowed to cry. Crying showed weakness. Crying showed vulnerability. He could not afford to show that side of him; the world was cruel, and people wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of any opportunity available.

Even after he had established the Union, even after he had a stable income, he refused to cry. On his mother's death anniversary, he refused to cry. He refused to even visit her urn. He didn't have time to drown in his sorrows.

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