X [S2/EP5]

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Door Lock, SNAP, broken.

...It's simple. There is good, and there is evil...

A shadowed figure is breaking in. Grouped, the Teen Titans go after him.

...There are those who commit crimes. And those who stop them...

Past dark corridors and up an elevator shaft, they persist in the chase of this unknown foe.

...The two sides are opposite. As different as day, and night...

He places down a familiar X tool, that allows him to surpass a laser-covered door. Each team member manages to follow him in pursuit, Beast-boy just in the nick of time. 

...And the line between them is clear...

...Or at least...

Reaching a warehouse, everyone in the team stops in their footsteps upon seeing the mysterious enemy's face in the moonlight.

...It's supposed to be...

Turning around to the Titans, Red X reveals himself. 


Warehouse, 5:15 pm

"Red X?!" Beast-Boy's head twists to Robin with a look of disbelief, "I thought Robin was Red X!"

"Think again." The villain commented, raising his hands to shoot out X-shaped explosives from his palms. 

With little time to spare, Robin commands, "TITANS, GO!"

Each explosive that hits the group separates them individually. Raven is the only one to stand in the same place, covering herself with a force field that stops all the explosives from hitting her. It was an easy close call. Yet when she lowers the shield believing the coast to be clear, she's hit with a surprise kick from above that trips her onto the ground. 

Quick to defend Raven, Starfire flies in shooting her neon green energy blasts from her fists, shooting them out across the air while Red X swiftly ditches past them. His mastery of acrobatics made it look like he was flying in the air, flexibly swinging from wall to pillar with charm. It didn't take long for him to spin around and surprise Starfire with a different particle weapon from his palms, one that reflected the metal pillars and darted onto her. One single strike from the laser brought her down from the sky. 

Parkouring from below, Spider-girl catches Starfire to help her from a rough landing. Although when they both look up, they see Beast-boy, who was fighting Red X, shift into a hippo to get an X-shaped weapon out of his mouth. Resulting in him falling from the thin metal pillar he was standing on. Now conscious again, Starfire grabs Spider-girl's hand, and she quickly flies them both away. All the while giving Spider-girl a boost mid-air to swing around.

From below, Cyborg was heading over towards Red X with his cyber blast charging up. When Red X throws over a new tool that sticks to the two columns of wooden boxes beside Cyborg. Like elastics, the weapon pulls both sides of boxes towards Cyborg, crushing him in the pile. Though the team was more resilient than that, surrounding the criminal while Cyborg lifts himself back up, swiping wooden planks off of his shoulder.

Tauntingly, Red X points to the X on his chest, "Come on now," he gets into a fighting stance, "X marks the spot."

Out of nowhere, Spider-girl swings in from above and lands on the pillars. She and Red X start fighting, their shadows covering them both other than their dark figures and reflective white lenses, "You've got an X on your chest," HIT, "head," DODGE, "wrist" BLOCK, "-and palms.". Ducking her head down from a punch, Spider-girl trips him onto the pillar, "Could you be any more specific?"

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