The Uncertainty Principle [S2/EP11]

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Space Shuttle, Wednesday, 5:20 am (Jump City Time)

"So, Colonel Jameson." A radio-communicated voice asked, "Any early festivities up there?"

In reply to the joke, John Jameson looks at his colleague's hand-held camera she was holding. "Hope not, we're fresh out of balloons and confetti." He and his teammates chuckle, before continuing, "But seriously, I still remember my first day celebrating Jump Cities annual parade... I dressed up as an astronaut." John points to himself, "Big surprise, right?" 

There was a long pause as the teammate holding the camera was about to end the recording. Until John spoke up again with a sigh, "As much as I love the beauty and tranquillity of space," He looked back up towards the camera and his team, "I'm glad we're landing tomorrow to see the costumes of the next generation of dreamers..." Unbeknownst to him and his team being distracted, a mid-sized asteroid begins floating towards them. "Plus, this year, my astronaut costume rocks--"


Catching the whole crew by surprise, the mild asteroid impacts the front of the spaceship, causing it to shake and blurt out red flickering alarms in unison. Immediately everyone on board gets to work in different positions of the ship to scan for overall damages. 

Co-pilot sits down in her seat and looks over the sudden situation, "Life-supports still up... Otherwise--" 

"--Otherwise, it's 'Houston, we have a problem.'" John looks around at the debris of the asteroid surrounding them, briefly noticing some black-mud-looking substance seemingly attach itself to the back of the ship, just out of his prefrontal vision. 

However, he shakes it off and focuses on helping his teammates get communications back up and running to signal the damaged ship back to the radio tower. 

After a couple of minutes of getting in a proper space suit to observe the damages outside the spaceship, John discovers the main problem at the front of the ship's nose-pointer; communicating with the rest of the crew. "Heat shields are fairly trashed... Does anyone know a good body shop up here?"


The Daily Bugle, Thursday, 10:00 am

In front of the TV in Jameson's office, a news reporter comments, "Although Colonel John Jameson maintains his sense of humour," Pictures of John and the team are shown across the screen, "the real question remains: Will the shuttle be able to land safely?". In the office, Jameson paces around in loops, listening carefully with his co-workers also sitting around to watch, "The damaged shield, coupled with the loss of the shuttles navigational computer greatly increases the hazard."

Glancing at Robertson who just got off the phone, Jameson worriedly questions, "We heard from Foswell?" 

"Already in Metropolis," Robertson nods, "awaiting the shuttles landing."

Another co-worker, Ned Lee, mutters under his breath, "Assuming it does land." 

Ned gets instantly nudged by Betty Brant who stands beside him before subtly moving him and everyone else out of Jameson's office. "We'll just get out of your way, Mr Jameson," With everyone out she shuts the office door behind her, "Shout out if you need anything." 

Instead of his usual persona, Jameson spent his time in quiet solitude, staring at a picture frame of him and his son John together with joyful smiles. Hearing his son in such a horrible situation he felt hopeless for the fact that there was nothing he could do, but wait and hope his son would return home safely. 

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