Elliot x Reader

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You’ve been in town for a while now. You’ve become good friends with pretty much everyone,some you’re closer to than others. You got everything done that you needed to get done on your farm,and decided to go down to the beach.As you walk there,some townspeople greet you,others don’t see you. “Hello Y/N”

You turn around to see the mayor,Lewis greet you. You guys talk for a while until he has to leave. You continue to walk to the beach and once you get there you sit on the sand and look at the waves,you don't really have anything else to do there. It was peaceful,and you enjoyed it,not to mention deserved it. You were there for a while,and you were alone until one of the townspeople came out of his house.

“Y/N?” It was Elliot,you turned to him and waved. “May I sit next to you?” You nodded while making a motion inviting him to sit down. He sat next to you and it was silent for a good while,some would even say ‘awkward.’ You decided to break the silence,“How's your book coming along? Ever since we met I know you’ve been working on it.”

He looked back at you,you thought that maybe that wasn’t a good question for some reason. “I’m still stuck on it,unfortunately.” He laid down on the sand and looked up at the sky. “I have no idea what to even make it on. It’s quite irritating.” You just nodded,nothing really else came to mind to say so it was silent again. Which,wasn’t so bad,except for the fact you forgot he was there from time-to-time because of the silence.

“How long have you been stuck on it for?”You broke the silence again.(Go you!) He thought for a moment,a long moment. “Good question. I don’t really recall although it has been a while.”You nodded again and,you started to think to yourself,maybe he doesn’t want to talk and just came to sit next to you? You decided that if the silence was going to be broken by one of you again,it would be him this time.

“Do you have any ideas?” He asked,he broke the silence this time. You shook your head. You had ideas but didn’t think it would be his..’taste’ so you kept them to yourself. He nodded and seemed slightly disappointed in the fact that he had no idea what to write. “What are things you really like? You could write about that.”He seemed..inspired once you said that. “I’m going to write about someone. I don’t know how I didn’t think of writing about this person sooner! Thank you Y/N.”

He got up and ran to his house,before you could ask who he was going to write about. You could always ask him later as well. You stayed there and thought about it,a thought slipped your mind,what if it was you? You quickly tried to get that thought out of your head,although,you failed at doing so. You just decided to go home.

Once you arrived home you laid on your bed and without knowing it,eventually falling asleep. Once you wake up you get ready and go outside. You planned to get things done on your farm but notice the signal flag on your mailbox is down. You go to your mailbox and take a letter out.

Hello Y/N! Thank you for your help yesterday,I finally figured my book out. I greatly appreciate your help. You made me realize I could write about someone,and here I was thinking I had to make this big grand book. I mean,my book will still be awesome because of the person I’m writing about.’

You assumed it was from Elliot,you’re most likely right,he just forgot to sign the letter. You still wondered about who he was writing about. Could it be you? He never was specific about who he was writing about.You decided to go down to the beach and ask him.

Once you got to his house you knocked,you never thought waiting could be so nerve wracking. He opened the door and seemed pleased to see you.  “Hello Y/N. Nice to see you again.” You gave him a smile and he smiled back at you. Now was a time to ask him who he was writing about. He invited you inside and you accepted. Once inside he closed the door. “Feel free to get comfortable.” You sat on a chair near what you assumed was the desk he wrote on. You were so nervous to ask,what if you seemed annoying or something? It was just a question anyway but you couldn’t help but overthink everything. “Hey Elliot?..” You were quiet and he looked at you.

“Hmm? Could you repeat that please?” You looked nervous and he was patient. “I was wondering…who are you writing about?” He chuckled to himself. You thought he was laughing at you and you immediately regretted asking. “You haven’t figured it out yet?” You shook your head. “It’s you,silly.” Your eyes widened and you felt yourself smile. You felt your heart flutter.  He noticed your expression. “You seem happy by my answer” You quickly just nodded and hid your face in your hands. Your thoughts were right,he was writing about you. He walked over to you and kissed your hand,to which you looked up immediately. “I’ve liked you for a while, silly.”
Hello loves! So this is the first  “chapter” of this one-shot-book. I hope you enjoyed it and I know this took almost a day to upload(?) I’m really sorry about that. Anyways,tell me what you think about this! Another “chapter” will be uploaded soon!<3

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