Elliot x atruggiling reader

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You were sitting at your desk,struggling to think of something to write. This problem occurred quite often,and whenever it did,you had the hardest time thinking of something to write. You also heard a knock in the door so you got up and answered it. "Oh Elliot! Hi!" You invited him in and he went in. "Thank you for letting me inside." You nodded and asked him,"What brings you over here?" He shrugged,"I just wanted to see you." 

You smiled at the comment he made,you were glad to hear that. "I'm glad to hear and to see you!" You hugged him and he kissed your forehead. He looked over and saw your desk. "What are you working on darling?" 

You shrugged. "I was trying to write again but I can't think of any ideas. So it's just..nothing I guess." He kept looking at your desk,and eventually walked over to it."Hm…." You walked over and sat in your chair. "What do you like to read?" 

You looked at him confused,"Horror,why?" He smiled,"Write that then." You sighed. "I write a lot of horror." He looked defeated,"Ah,I see…hmmm." The both of you thought for a while. "Romance?" He suggested. "I suck at writing romance." He looked at you,"Nothing you write sucks!" You sighed,"Eh. I feel like all my romance stories end up being so…cliché." 

He looked defeated again,"I think every romance novel has at least one thing in it that's considered 'cliché' so,you shouldn't beat yourself up about it." You shrugged,"I guess…although…I just,I don't like writing things that are predictable…you know?" 

He nodded,"Yea…but you are good at anything you write! So,I say go for it!" You shrugged again,"I don't know,thank you anyway Elliot." He felt like he didn't help you and so he wasn't pleased with it…he didn't want to make that obvious so he just nodded. "Anytime love!" You both talked and hung out the rest of the day.


Hey loves! Sorry for the lack of uploading in this book,I really hope you enjoyed this though!!

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