Harvey x Injured reader

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You were originally going through the mines,as you normally do,although this time was different. You ended up getting severely hurt,you injured your legs and arms horribly. As you fell to the ground you blacked out and once you woke up again,you were in Harvey's clinic.

'What happened?...' You thought to yourself and Harvey soon came in. "Ah! Y/N! You're up!" He smiled, putting his papers down on a table. "Hi…what happened?" He sat down next to the bed you were laying in. "You passed out in the mines,dear." You slowly sat up as you tried to piece the events in order. "I see….how did you find me?" You looked at your arms and legs. There were cuts and scratches everywhere.

"Well,after a while when it got suspiciously late I went and looked for you. Good thing I did too." You nodded and tried to stand up. You were taking it slowly because you didn't know what the hell happened. "Ah,how long have I been here?" He looked at the clock in the room. "Almost 24 hours." Your eyes widened,that wasn't a very long period of time,but it also kinda was?

You stood up and looked for your things. "I put your things in your house darling. No need to worry." You nodded and went to the door. "I'll take my leave now,thank you." He stood up and grabbed your hand,since it was the only part on your arms not horribly injured

"You should take it easy,stay with me for a bit." You looked behind your shoulder to see him,he was giving an awkward smile. "Oh uh sure then,I guess." He had you lay back in the bed and rest,and you ended up falling asleep again.
Hello loves! I hope you enjoyed this part<3

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