Sebastian x Reader

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You were invited to the bar by Sam,he told you that Abigail would be there along with Sebastian. You really only agreed to see him,although it would be nice to hang out with the three of them. You got everything you needed to get done on your farm and got ready. It was almost time to head over there and you felt yourself getting nervous.

“Hey Y/N!” Sam waved to you right as you stepped outside of your house. “Were you just standing out here?” Sam shook his head,“No,I just got here. I came to walk with you though.” That was nice of him,you guess? You both walked there talking and you both had a good time. “I know why you accepted the invite.” You looked at Sam who had a smirk on his face,you decided to play what people call ‘stupid.’ “Yea,to hang out with you three…thought that was obvious? Why else would I accept?” Sam laughed to himself,“I’m not stupid Y/N. I know you like Seb.” Your eyes widened,you shrugged your shoulders. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You kept walking with him.

Sam rolled his eyes, “I see you’re playing stupid then.” You slightly punched his arm. “I am not!” He pretended to act like the light punch hurt. You both started laughing and eventually you admitted your crush on Seb to Sam. Maybe it wasn’t ‘admitting’ since he claimed to already know.Once you guys got close to the bar,like a few feet away you started getting extremely nervous. Sam noticed that and laughed. “Damn you look nervous.” You looked panicked “Do I really!?” Sam nodded,“Breathe.” He helped you calm down,well at least seemed calmer.Once you guys walked in Abigail and Sebastian greeted you. “Hi Y/N!!” Abigail gave you a hug while Sebastian just waved.

“Are you and Sam a thing?” Sebastian asked out of pure curiosity and…there was a different mood to his tone but you couldn’t figure it out. “Heh,no,we’re not.” You chuckled and Sam explained that he just bumped into you on the way here so you decided to walk together and meet up with Abigail and Sebastian. That was a lie of course,but they didn’t need to know Sam was helping you calm down.

The four of you hung out and played pool,which Sebastian won every time against Sam.You all enjoyed yourselves. Once it got pretty late,like 3:45 in the morning Abigail and Sam left so it was just you and Sebastian. “Honestly,I feel like Sam purposely lost on of a few of those rounds.”

You just nodded,you didn’t really know what to say,nor were you really paying any attention to Sam the entire night. “Good job not getting really drunk.” You looked at him with a confused expression. “Thanks?..” He smiled. “I got really drunk the first time we all hung out,that was a while ago though.” You nodded again,you didn’t really drink the entire night,so there was no way you could’ve gotten drunk.

“Want me to walk you home?” He offered and you instantly accepted. Were you nervous? Yes. Alas,he walked you home and you gave it your all not to seem nervous. Once you got to your farm you turned to him,“Thank you.This was really nice of you.” He smiled, “No problem. I’d gladly walk you home anyday.” You could realize by his expression he wasn't thinking when he said that and covered his mouth.

“That..I..” He tried to find words but failed miserably. You giggled to yourself,you had never seen him like this and you never thought you would. He sighed,“I probably seem more stupid to you then normal now. Goddamn it. What I meant to say was-” You cut him off and kissed his cheek. “I never thought you were stupid because you’re not. Anyway,I’ll see you tomorrow.” You smiled and waved him ‘goodbye.’ He stood there for a moment,stunned.

You kissed him. He didn’t know how to act,but he got to his senses and left,it probably would seem creepy if he stayed there for a while. Meanwhile,inside your house you were freaking out,screaming into a pillow,you couldn’t believe what you just did.

You called Sam and told him about it and he laughed,“Seb? Stunned!? That’s not something you’d see everyday.Anyway,how do you feel?” You didn’t know,happy? Scared? Excited? Shocked? Too many emotions went through your mind. Sam stayed and listened to you ramble for a good while till you fell asleep on call with him then he hung up.
Hello loves! Hope you enjoyed! I’ll post another “chapter” soon! Take care<3

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