Page 1: Dream's Fears:

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Dream rushed home, wanting to see if her mother came home. Hook followed her, worried whether Regina would revert to her old self. He saw how distraught Dream was seeing her mother as the Evil Queen. He worried about what would happen if she changed back and risked the lives of everyone in the town.

"Mom?" Dream called out, before setting the car seat on the kitchen table. "Mom! Mom, please! It's just me!" Dream pleaded, before moving to sit at the table, sighing in defeat.

"She's not here, love..." Hook sighed when he sat the other car seat on the table, before walking over to kneel in front of Dream.

"I should have listened... My dad says that all magic comes with a price. Even bringing someone back from a time portal has a price." Dream sighed, starting to tear up, when Hook placed his hand on her thigh, unsure what he could say to her.

"It will be okay, love." Hook sighed when Dream shook her head.

"How can you be sure? You heard what they said... She's a villain." Dream started to cry as her voice cracked as she talked. "V-Villains don't get happy endings." Dream cried, when Hook stood up, taking her hand in his, before making her look up at him.

"I may have known you're mother longer than you, love... But I know the woman that she became for you and Henry. That woman is not the same woman you've seen in the time portal." Hook said, moving his hand up to Dream's cheek as he wiped the tears streaming down her face. "And from what I witnessed tonight... Villains can get their happy endings. I saw the Dark One get his. And... And I have mine." Hook said, smiling at Dream, who furrowed her brows.

"You found your happy ending?" She asked as her voice cracked from her crying.

"Aye. I'm looking at it." Hook smiled, leaning forward to kiss Dream, but they were interrupted by one of the babies crying. "Good to know we should find a babysitter as soon as possible." Hook sighed, rubbing his beard, when Dream chuckled at him, moving to check on the twins.

Evangeline was soundly sleeping in her car seat that Dream brought in. Sebastian, however, was crying as he was in the car seat that Hook brought in. Dream picked him up when she checked his diaper. "Woo! Someone needs to be changed." Dream chuckled, looking at Hook, who stayed where he was standing. "I'm going to go change him if you can get Evie..." Dream said, when Hook moved, sighing as he saw the tricky car seat buckle.

"Love..." Hook sighed, lifting up his hook.

Dream chuckled, walking over to unbuckle Evangeline before Hook picked her up. Dream headed up to the nursery to go change the baby.

Dream looked at the cribs, after getting both of the babies to sleep. She sighed, just standing in the middle of the room watching them sleep. She felt like she had not been with them in ages. They were all she thought about while she was in the past. The thought of being away from them broke her heart.

"You can't stay up all night, love..."

Dream turned when she saw Hook leaning on the doorframe. "They're asleep. And they have been for the past hour." Hook said, really worried about Dream since he knew how close she was with her mother, despite everything. "And if something happens, you have that little moving picture thing to check on them." Hook said, motioning to the baby monitor in Dream's hand that she was holding onto.

"I'm just worried." Dream sighed, looking back at her babies. "This is the first night where nothing is trying to kill us... or take them. The first night that they are both asleep at the same time." She added, when Hook walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, while he held her against his chest.

"And we will have more nights like this. We have defeated Zelena. We've defeated Pan..."

"I've lived long enough in Storybrooke to know that there will always be someone else... or something else." Dream sighed, when Hook kissed her shoulder, moving to kiss a trail up to her neck. "What are you doing?" Dream asked him, her breath getting caught in her throat as he continued to kiss up to her jaw.

"What does it look like, love?" He smirked into the kiss, before turning Dream to face him. "We have the house to ourselves... The twins are asleep. And you owe me a long-awaited nightcap. And I believe we are celebrating our engagement." He smirked at her when she looked unsure, but he leaned down to kiss her, uninterrupted.

The kiss was passionate but short. Dream pulled away when she looked at Hook, who smirked at her. "We're going to get married..." Dream smirked at him, making him nod.

"Aye, love." He smirked, moving his hand onto her waist.

Dream's breath hitched as she tried not to gasp from the cold feeling of Hook's silver hook hitting the revealed skin on her waist from her shirt raised up.

"Shall we take this to your bedroom chambers?" Hook asked when Dream chuckled at him.

"It's called a bedroom, old man."

""Old man," love?" Hook scoffed out a chuckle, furrowing his brows at her.

"You are my dad's oldest mate... And are several hundred years old." Dream teased, when Hook glanced over to the sleeping twins, before moving his arms to pick up Dream, bridal style. "Hook?" Dream chuckled at him since this is what his past self did to her when he was trying to have a nightcap.

"Shh... We don't want to wake them up." Hook chuckled, pecking Dream's lips when he walked them to Dream's bedroom. And the rest was between them.

~960 words~

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