Page 17: Who Did This to Marian?

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"How is she?" Robin asked, rushing into the mayor's office.

Mary Margaret was pacing, holding baby Neal, while David was trying to keep the fire going. Marian was unconscious on the sofa. "Not good. She's getting colder." David sighed as Robin rushed to his wife's side.

"Regina, thanks for coming." Mary Margaret said, when Henry followed Regina inside, pushing the stroller with the babies.

"Don't thank me until I've done something..." Regina paused when she turned to look at Mary Margaret, but she saw a picture of singing birds where her broken mirror used to be. "Whose idea was that?" Regina asked, pointing to the painting.

"Oh, I thought I would put my own personal touch on the office." Mary Margaret smiled at Regina since she was taking over as mayor considering the curse that brought them back was Snow White's curse.

"Well, you've succeeded... hideously," Regina said, disgusted a bit, before moving over to Marian.

"Is there anything you can do?" Robin asked, looking up at Regina as he knelt next to Marian.

"This is strong magic... I can't stop it, but maybe I can slow it down." Regina said, looking at Marian who was freezing to death.

"What happened?"

The others looked up to Emma, Dream, and Elsa who walked into the room. "Perhaps you should ask your new friend," Regina said to Emma, sounding spiteful in her tone. "After all, it was her monster that attacked Marian." She added when Neal and Hook walked in.

"Well, to be fair, we did provoke the beast." Hook said, wrapping his arm around Dream's waist.

"But this isn't my magic. Someone else did this." Elsa spoke up, since she knew that she did not do this, nor did her snow monster.

"Oh, and we're supposed to trust you?" Regina asked the blonde ice witch.

"You can trust me, Mom." Dream spoke up, making Regina look at her daughter. "If she says it was someone else, it was," Dream added when Regina decided to not add another comment. If Dream trusted her, then she would listen to her daughter.

"So, how do we break the spell?" Henry asked, looking over to Emma and Dream.

"The only way to cure a freezing spell is an act of true love," Elsa said, looking at Henry.

"True love's kiss." Regina sighed, looking down at the ground.

Regina looked over to the opposite wall, trying to hold in her true feelings. Robin looked over at Regina, then to Dream. "All right then, there's no time to lose." Robin sighed, kneeling down to kiss Marian. But the kiss did not work. "What's wrong? Why isn't it working?" Robin asked, looking at his wife.

"I've seen this once before," David spoke up when Dream and Henry exchanged a knowing look. "When Frederick was turned to gold..." David started to explain.

"Who is Frederick?" Emma asked, looking at her dad.

"Long story." Henry sighed, looking over to one of his mothers.

"So, the cold is acting as a barrier? Is there nothing we can do?" Robin asked, looking at Regina as he stood up.

"Well, every curse is different. I need more time to study this one." Regina said, moving to examine Marian's frozen body closer.

"I'm gonna go find who did this before it happens again," Emma said, turning to leave the office.

"Well, I hope you're bringing backup," Regina said, still examining Marian.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Emma asked, turning back around to look at Regina.

"Well, between the snow monster and the cave-in... Seems like the Savior needs saving these days." Regina said, standing up to look at Emma.

"I think you're bitter, and you're taking it out on the wrong person." Emma scoffed at Regina, making everyone look at each other. "I'll be fine." Emma scoffed, before turning to leave once again.

"Well, I like that battle plan, so I'm with you, Emma." Neal smiled when Hook nudged him for a bit of encouragement.

"No. Take Elsa to the sheriff's station, keep her out of sight." Emma said to Neal when Dream walked over.

"I agree... Hook can go with you." Dream said, making Hook furrow his brows. "Once people get word of this, they're gonna be calling for her head," Dream added, whispering the last part. She remembered how the townspeople acted when the first curse broke towards Regina.

"I'd rather save yours than hers." Hook said, looking at Dream, when he subtly moved a hand to her stomach.

"There's someone dangerous out there," Neal added, agreeing with Hook.

"I don't have time to argue with you about this. Can you for once just do what I say?" Emma scoffed at Neal, sounding very annoyed.

"I'll try to keep her out of trouble." Dream smiled at Neal, before kissing Hook's cheek to follow Emma out.

Neal sighed, looking at Hook who was equally frustrated by the girls. "Well, it looks like we need to find a babysitter," Hook smirked when he walked over to get the stroller from Henry.

"I thought we were supposed to be the babysitters?" Neal asked, confused as to what Hook was suggesting.

~season 4, episode 3: "Rocky Road"~

~828 words~

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