Page 5: Stroller Walks and Much-Needed Talks:

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"Mama... Ma-ma."

"What are you doing, love?" Hook asked, walking into the nursery as she saw Dream with the babies on their little fish mat.

"Passing the time until my brother gets here..." Dream shrugged when she moved to hold Sebastian's hands since she was holding Evangeline's. "Come on... Say Mama." She smiled as the babies just cooed, smiling at their mommy.

"I don't think they're old enough to talk yet, love." Hook said as he moved to sit next to her.

"I know... But they find it so funny." She smiled, watching her babies smile back at her.

"Who's that?" Hook asked when he saw Dream's phone buzz to the side of her.

"Um... Emma. She wants to know if we found my mom yet." Dream sighed, feeling so guilty for her mom. "I think we should try to look for her again." She added, turning off her phone.


"I'm serious, Hook. I need to find her. I helped Emma get Marian out of that cell. I ruined her love life." Dream sighed, when Hook sighed, moving his hand to her cheek.

"Then, we'll search for her again." He said, rubbing his thumb over her cheek, when Dream leaned into his hand. He knew just what to do to calm her down and make her feel like everything was going to be okay.

David was pushing Neal's stroller. Mary Margaret was walking with her husband. Emma and Henry were walking behind them. "I don't know, maybe we should have gone with Baelfire." David chuckled, smiling as he looked down at his son. "What did Dream name Sebastian? Sebastian Hook?" David asked, making his wife chuckle.

"Well, we have baby Neal... Baby Philip. Baby Alexandra. Baby Evangeline and baby Sebastian... Quite a group of little royals." Mary Margaret chuckled, looking at her husband. "But I don't know his middle name." Mary Margaret said when she looked at her son.

"Sebastian Killian Henry Jones," Henry spoke up, making his grandparents look at him. "And she named Evie... Evangeline Regina Jones." He added when David chuckled at his grandson.

"Where did she get the name Evangeline from?" David asked, looking back at his wife.

"It means "evening star."" Mary Margaret smiled, answering her husband. "I think it's beautiful... But I don't know where she got the name "Sebastian."" She continued.

"Probably from the movie. The Little Mermaid..." Henry shrugged. "She hasn't answered any of your calls?" Henry asked, looking at Emma who was trying to get ahold of Regina.

"Uh, sorry, kid... looks like Regina does not want to be disturbed." Emma sighed, before changing her sour tone. "But, that doesn't mean that she's doing anything..." She added, trying to look for the words to say.

"Evil? I know. I just... Let me try calling her. Maybe, you know, it's you she doesn't want to hear from." Henry sighed when Emma slightly agreed with his statement.

"You might have a point, kid," Emma said, placing her hand on Henry's shoulder, before switching places with David.

"I hope, for his and Dream's sake, she doesn't give in to what she sometimes gives in to." Mary Margaret sighed, pushing Neal's stroller forward when Emma glanced back at her dad and Henry. "He seems to be handing it well. I mean, between losing and regaining his memory, seeing one of his moms with a new man, seeing his parents getting back together, seeing his sister with a new man, having a new niece and nephew..." Mary Margaret started to list off.

"Uh, speaking of that," Emma said, trying to find the words, but Mary Margaret already knew what she was going to say.

"He doesn't know about you and Neal?"

"There is no me and Neal..." Emma tried to argue, but Mary Margaret's hum showed that she did not believe her. "Okay, well, I don't know what there is, but I certainly can't talk to Henry if I don't know what I'm talking about." Emma sighed, when Mary Margaret nodded, understanding what Emma meant.


The two of them turned to Neal who was walking over to them with Dream and Hook, who was pushing the twins in the stroller. "Speaking of..." Emma sighed, whispering to her mother.

"The mausoleum's all clear. Regina's not hiding there." Hook said, telling Mary Margaret and Emma that he went with Dream to look for her mother.

"And she's not at the house..." Dream sighed, walking next to Hook. "I think she may be hiding in her office... It's the only thing I can think of." She added when Hook moved to hold her hand to comfort her.

"Thanks," Emma said, glad that they were all kind of cool at the moment. And that Dream was keeping Emma in the loop. But they were trying to get along for Henry and Neal.

Hook nudged Neal, who looked at him, before stepping forward a bit. "Emma, are you avoiding me?" Neal asked, making the conversation a bit awkward.

"Can you give us a minute?" Emma asked her mother, who slowed down to catch up with Dream, who took over pushing the stroller.

"That means us, too, Captain," Dream said, yanking Hook's jacket when he went to follow Emma and Neal.

"Aye, love." Hook said when Dream and Mary Margaret turned their strollers to head back to Henry and David.

"I'm not avoiding you, I'm just... dealing with stuff." Emma sighed when she turned the corner to talk to Neal. "We have a crisis right now." Emma sighed when Neal scoffed to himself.

"There is always a crisis in this town, Emma. Perhaps you should consider living your life during them, otherwise, you might miss it." Neal sighed, wanting to go back to the way things were with Emma.

"We're under attack!"

As if on cue, Leroy yelled, running over to Emma and Neal with Sleepy. "We're under attack!" He yelled, stopping when he got up to them.

"Hey, Leroy, what is it?" Emma asked, when Dream and Hook turned the corner, after hearing the yelling. They left the babies with Henry, David, and Mary Margaret.

"We were just driving home when something blasted me with magic. The whole van's iced over. We woke up in a meat locker. Who's got that kind of magic?" Leroy asked, looking at "the Savior" for help.

"Maybe the person that made that?" Dream asked, noticing an icy path just behind Neal and Leroy that led around the corner.

~season 4, episode 1: "A Tale of Two Sisters"~

~1051 words~

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