Page 12: Elsa Did It:

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David, Hook, and Neal rushed back to the ice wall after Elsa called them on the radio. Dream and Emma were passed out and about to freeze to death. The guys got Bo Peep's staff to find Anna, but they rushed back to get the girls out of the ice cave.

"Elsa? Elsa. How's Emma and Dream?" David asked on the radio when Neal set Bo Peep's staff against the wall.

"They're freezing... Dream's turning blue." Elsa said over the radio.

"No. Dream." Hook sighed, worried with fear when he went back to hitting the wall with his hook.

"It's not gonna help," David said, stopping Hook. "Elsa, listen to me. I need you to find a way out." David said, holding up the radio.

"I need Anna."

"Well, we don't have her right now, but we have a way to find her. And we will. But right now, you're gonna have to do this on your own." David continued to tell her.

"I can't control this..." Elsa sighed, confessing what she confessed to Emma and Dream.

"I know how you feel, you're trapped. It's a battle you can't win. But it's exactly the kind of battle you have to fight. Or you'll die." David said, trying to encourage Elsa.

"No, I won't... I'll survive. But Emma and Dream.."

"Survival isn't enough. You have to live."

"Where did you hear that?" Elsa asked him. She's heard that before.

"You know where." David smiled to himself.

"Anna? You knew her?" Elsa asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, I did." David nodded, despite Elsa not being about to see him. "She helped me once, a long time ago, become who I am. She saved my life. And yours. And now, I need you to save Emma and Dream. I didn't know much about Anna, but she wouldn't want you to live alone in an ice cave. Which is where you'll be if you don't melt that ice. Now do it." David said, when the guys turned back to the cave, waiting.

Emma and Dream watched Elsa stand up as she used her powers to create a hole in the ice wall, freeing them. 

"It's working." Hook smiled when the guys watched the hole get bigger as they stood back a bit. "I can see them. Dream." Hook said, looking through the hole.

Elsa moved to help the girls stand up, walking them over to the guys. Neal and David took Emma, while David moved to help Hook with Dream, then help Elsa out. "Let's get them home, warmed up," David said as he watched Dream hold onto Hook like her life depended on it, then he turned to see Emma do the same with Neal.

"Are you okay?" Hook asked, moving his hand to the back of Dream's head. She was so cold. Dream nodded, seeing as she was too tired and cold to speak. Dream tried to stand next to Hook, but slipped on the ice and her legs not being strong enough, so Hook picked her up in his arms, taking her to David's truck. "And the baby?" He whispered to her. Dream weakly smiled, when she moved her hand to her stomach, hearing the faint heartbeat. She nodded as she heard the heartbeat.

"Are you okay?" Neal asked, holding onto Emma, who was also so cold to the touch.

"Y-Yeah... Yeah." Emma stuttered, hugging Neal, who moved to carry her like Hook was doing with Dream. But Neal struggled a bit, trying to hide it.

"You did it. You saved them." David smiled, looking at Elsa.

"Yes, I did." Elsa smiled a bit before her expression changed. "But I also endangered them. You owe me nothing." Elsa sighed since she saw how David felt about the girls. One was his daughter, the other was like a daughter.

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