Page 10: Elsa's Threats:

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"The device. Call Emma." Hook said, when the three of them stood up, staring at the ice wall.

David rushed to get his radio, before trying to call Emma on her radio. "Emma. Dream. Are you in there?" David asked while Neal and Hook looked at David, waiting for a response. There was no response, just static.

"I'm getting her out." Hook said, referring to his worry about Dream and their unborn son they just learned about.

David and Neal looked at each other, before following Hook. Hook rushed up to the wall, trying to cut his way through with his hook. "What if we lift?" David suggested when the three of them tried to lift up on the ice. But nothing happened.

Hook sighed, not wanting to admit defeat when he went back to hacking at the ice with his hook. "Don't. We're not giving up." Hook said when Neal moved to stop him.

"We won't. But this is not getting us anywhere." Neal said to him, seeing Hook's worry.

"Well, I'm open to suggestions." Hook scoffed when he jerked his arm away from Neal.

"Magic made this thing." Neal sighed, looking up at the wall.

"I think we're gonna need magic to unmake it. And I'm not gonna stop fighting until we do." David said to the two of them. All three of them were fathers now. David knew that they would know how he felt about saving his daughter and the girl who was like a daughter to him.

"Wow..." Emma sighed, getting up from the ground.

"Ow." Dream sighed, moving her hand to her head, before quickly rushing her hand to her belly. She closed her eyes, hearing the soft heartbeat. He was okay.

"I gotta give it to you, you put on quite a show. You wanna tell us what this is about?" Emma asked, hoping that Elsa would talk.

"No. Just that I'm very powerful. And you and your people, you need to be more careful." Elsa threatened the two of them.

"She's lying, dearie."

Dream turned her head, looking slightly behind Elsa to see the Dark One again. Dream tried not to react as she glanced back at Elsa. Great. The Dark One was back to taunt her.

"Keep your distance." Elsa continued to threaten.

"I think we can guarantee that," Emma said to her when Dream wondered if the Dark One was right.

"So, if you wanna, you know, hit undo on that, then we'll get right on it." Dream said as she started to get very cold, along with Emma.

"I..." Elsa hesitated, before trying to hide her weary expression. "Not right away," Elsa said, in her same demanding tone, but Dream saw the hesitation. "Bring me what I want, and then I'll consider freeing you." Elsa continued her threats when Dream saw her concern.

"Your sister, right?" Dream asked when Elsa nodded.

"We can't really look for her from in here..." Emma tried to explain to her.

"Emma? Dream? Can you guys hear me?"

Emma, Dream, and Elsa jumped a bit at the sound of the radio and David's voice. "What is that?" Elsa asked, looking scared as she held up her hand.

"It's a..." Emma tried to find the words to explain it.

"Emma, Dream, are you okay?" David continued to ask over the radio.

"Say something." Neal's voice came over the radio.

"Allows me to talk to my father, who's on the other side of that wall. But if you wanna melt that, we can all talk." Emma said, motioning to the wall behind her, while she held up the radio to show that it was no harm to Elsa.

"Tell him to go get Anna," Elsa said, when Emma looked at Dream, who nodded at her.

"Dad, can you hear me?" Emma asked, holding the radio up to her mouth.

"Emma. Say that again." Neal said over the radio, sounding relieved.

"Dream and I are in here with this woman," Emma said to the three, hoping that they could all hear from the radio.

"She is looking for her sister, Anna. She thinks that Anna is in town because she found a necklace of hers in my dad's shop." Dream said, taking the radio from Emma. "She wants us to try to find her before..." Dream went to say again before Elsa grabbed her hand.

"Before I freeze this town, and everyone in it." Elsa threatened, speaking into the radio.

~season 4, episode 2: "White Out"~

~718 words~

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