Page 20: Magic and Ice Cream Shops:

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"What was that about?" Neal asked, walking with Hook.

"Aye, I have no idea what you're talking about." Hook shrugged, looking ahead at Elsa that was following the snowflakes ahead of them.

"I'm not deaf, Hook. I heard it all." Neal sighed when Hook glanced at him.

"Are you going to scold me, mate?" Hook asked, unsure how Neal felt about his father being blackmailed.

"No." Neal sighed, shaking his head. "I've known my father's love for power for too long. I knew he was never going to change." Neal sighed, turning to look ahead.

"I'm sorry, Bae." Hook sighed, patting Neal's shoulder.

"I just hoped he would have for Belle and my sister. They seem to believe he's changed." Neal sighed, looking down at the sidewalk.

"It's because she's seen a change in others. Dream watched her mother change for her and Henry. And I've tried my best to not go back to my vengeful ways." Hook said, sighing a bit as he looked down at his hook. "Aye... She has a good heart." Hook smiled when Neal glanced at him.

"Yeah, she risked her life to save mine..." Neal said, extremely grateful that his sister saved him from death. He owed her more than his life.

"Do you ever wonder how she came from the Dark One and the queen because she seems so..."

"Good?" Neal asked when Hook nodded. "Yeah. It just proves what I've always known. Evil is created... not born." He said as Hook glanced at him.

He could not deny it. His revenge over Milah was what turned him into spending years searching for the Dark One and how to kill him. After the loss of his brother, he went against the king due to his mission being what killed Liam.

"I'm just glad that you guys are happy... And I'd never thought I would say that..." Neal chuckled when Hook had to stop himself from telling him about the engagement. He did not want to deprive Dream of telling her brothers the news. Or the news of the new baby.

"I don't know... Looks pretty normal to me." Emma said, peeking through the shop door of the ice cream shop that was closed for the day.

"It was bleedin' cold in there, I'm telling ya," Will told the blonde, while David continued to keep an eye on him.

"Because they sell ice cream." Emma scoffed at him, thinking he sent them on a wild goose chase.

"During the blackout?" Will asked, insisting that he was onto something.

"Says the guy who's trying to avoid jail." Emma spat back.

"I may be a thief, but I'm no liar. And I can bloody well prove it." Will said, moving to the door to break into the lock.

"Really? You think breaking in again is gonna help your case?" David asked with a scoff.

"Can you just be quiet a second, mate? I'm just trying to do this. It takes concentration. A bit tricky. It's all about..." Will said to David, still trying to open the door.

"Yeah, the tumblers." Emma interrupted when she moved to take over breaking into the door. "I got it." She said, but she was still taking forever.

"You do?" David asked, surprised that his daughter knew how to break a lock open.

"Neal taught me a few things." Emma shrugged, trying to open the door. Dream sighed, waving her hand slightly to fling the door open. "I had it..." Emma sighed, looking at Dream, who was impatient.

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