Page 60: Dream's Dying and Emma's Out of Control:

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The hospital.

"So, what happened?" David asked Hook while Dream was sleeping in the hospital bed, plugged up into monitors and an IV, while there was a monitor, monitoring baby Liam.

"I don't know... When I followed her, she took off the glamour spell, saying she did not know what was happening." Hook sighed, standing outside the room with David and Granny, who sat in the stroller with the twins. "But the doctor... He said that it is hard to tell with the veins because of the rose she was born from." Hook sighed when he looked through the glass as the nurses were putting on an oxygen mask on Dream since her oxygen levels were going down so fast.

"Have you tried to call Gold as well? Maybe he could help, too." David suggested, looking at Dream, who seemed to be in really bad condition.

"I've tried. But even using her phone, no one's answering." Hook said, moving to sit down. "She said she was fine. I should have listened to my gut when I first saw it and never let her try that glamour spell." Hook sighed, moving to put his head in his hand.

"It's not your fault, Hook. You couldn't have guessed she would have gotten worse." David said, moving to sit next to him.

"She mentioned something when she finally got to sleep... She was mumbling in her sleep. I could not make out most of it. But I made out enough. She said it was her price to pay. Whatever that meant." 

"Do you think it's because she brought back Neal? He mentioned something to Elsa that he thought was weird: the mark he got when he came back to life was gone." David asked when Hook just shrugged, looking back over to Dream.

"I don't know. I hope not. Because if it is between his or her life. I will be willing to make that decision without hesitation." Hook said when David sighed, knowing how you could do anything for the ones you love.

"You don't mean that, Hook," David said when Hook shook his head, keeping his eyes on Dream.

"I definitely mean it, mate. I will do anything to keep her alive." 

Regina's vault.

Regina was fastening her heel when she heard her phone buzzing beside her. She sighed, clicking it to mute, when she saw Mary Margaret's contact pop up. She set the phone down, thinking it had something to do with the Ice Queen, which she did not want to deal with. Robin yawned, walking over to where Regina was, making her look up and smile at him. Seeing him in his jeans and white tank. "Good morning." He smiled at her.

"Well, look who's finally woken up." She smirked at him.

"I apologize, but, uh, that was the best... sleep I've had in a very long time." He said, making Regina smirk and chuckle to herself. "How would you like to come back to my camp and let me cook you breakfast?" He asked her with a smirk.

"Oh, that sounds lovely, but we both know we can't do that." Regina sighed, going back to reality again.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Little John is a bit of a gossip." He said, making the two of them chuckle. "There it is." He smiled, moving his hand to her cheek. "There's that elusive but satisfying smile I think about every time I close my eyes." He smirked, leaning in to kiss her again.

"It makes me wonder why we didn't do this a few decades ago," Regina said when she pulled away from the long, passionate kiss.

"Well, I think you were suffering from a bit of heartbreak and a touch of self-loathing. And I was just some drunk in a bar with a tattoo." He said, moving his other hand to her cheek while Regina looked at his forearm, seeing the lion tattoo.

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