Page 18: Trying to Find Answers:

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"Wait." Hook said, stopping by the end of the small alley on Main Street because they were trying to make sure Elsa was not seen. "All right. Coast is clear." Hook said, when the couple walked by, letting him step out to the sidewalk, pushing the stroller. Elsa paused when Neal noticed that she stopped. "That means go, mate." Hook sighed, looking back at Neal, before noticing Elsa stopped.

"I'm not coming with you," Elsa said to the two of them, making Hook sigh. "There's someone out there with powers like mine. I need to find out who. I can't just hide out in some sheriff's station." Elsa said when Neal looked around.

Hook was in the opposite direction from the station. "Oh. Well, that works out quite nicely then. 'Cause that's not where we're going." Hook said, making Elsa and Neal look confused.

"It's not?" Neal asked him, crossing his arms over his chest.

"With Dream running into danger? Not a chance." Hook said, looking at Neal. "The sheriff's station's that way." Hook said, pointing in the direction behind Elsa.

"And what's that way?" Elsa asked him.

"With any luck? Danger... And a babysitter." Hook smirked, when Elsa looked at Neal, before following Hook.

"Robin and Marian's tent's up ahead," Dream said, leading the way, while Emma and David followed her.

"So, what exactly are we looking for?" David asked his daughter.

"If whoever cursed Marian has the same powers as Elsa, maybe they left a trail," Emma suggested, looking around them.

"Or a friendlier snow monster," Dream said when she glanced back at the two.

"So, we split up, and we look for anything cold," David said with a small chuckle. "Well, shout if you need help and I'll--"

"Okay, yeah, I got it," Emma said, cutting David off when she started walking ahead of Dream. "Dream, you go with David." She said when Dream watched David sigh before she followed him.

Emma walked up, hearing a rattling noise from one of the tents. She got out her gun and walked closer to the green tent. "Whoever's in there, come out," Emma demanded when the noise stopped as a man walked out of the tent. "Who are you? What are you doing in that tent?" Emma asked him since she did not recognize him.

"Depends who's asking." He said, holding his hands up.

"The Sheriff's asking."

"I never did like sheriffs very much." He remarked, keeping his hands up. "But you do seem like the decent sort. So, I'm guessing you're not gonna shoot a man in the back." He continued, confusing Emma, before running away.

Emma started to run after him, but she tripped on a fallen log. She got up, running after him again, but the guy was knocked to the ground by a gush of wind. David rushed over, holding him by his jacket when Dream and Emma walked over.

"Where were you going?" David asked when he gave Dream a quick nod since she used her magic to stop the guy.

"I almost had him... But I fell." Emma sighed, sounding out of breath.

"Don't worry about it. That's why we have two sheriffs... And Dream used her magic to stop him." David said to Emma when Dream wondered if Regina was right.

"Two sheriffs? That's not even fair, is it?" The guy scoffed when Dream did not recognize him either.

"Who are you?" Dream asked when the guy seemed to look a bit scared by her presence. He heard the stories of the Dark One's daughter. Most powerful witch in all of Storybrooke. And possibly all of the realms.

"All right... My name is Will Scarlet. I used to be a Merry Man until me and Robin Hood had a bit of a falling out." Will explained, trying to hide his fear of Dream.

"So, what are you doing in his tent?" Emma asked, making Will turn to look at her.

"Well, I heard what happened to Marian. Terrible thing... but I kinda know something that might help."

"Well, he's not here right now. So tell us." Dream said, a little mad at Robin, but she knew what he felt. She had to make the same choice between Hook and Luke. An old flame versus a new chance. She made the same choice that Robin did. But she hated that it hurt her mother. She wondered if her mom would have made the same choice if it was between Robin and Daniel.

"Look, I'm a thief," Will spoke up, dragging Dream out of her thoughts. "Always been a thief. Always gonna be a thief. And when there's a blackout like the other night, do you know what a thief does?" He continued to explain.

"He goes to work," Emma added, knowing what he was referring to.

"Exactly." He nodded. "So, I'm working me way down Main Street, when I break into the ice cream parlor and see the strangest thing. There'd been no electricity for hours. But still, all the ice cream was frozen solid. Now, how does something like that happen?" Will asked when Dream tried to think about what he was saying.

"Are you talking about "Any Given Sundae?"" Dream asked him.

"You know where he's talking about?" David asked, looking at Dream.

"Yeah, Graham would take me to get ice cream when he would pick me up from school as a kid. The lady, Sarah Fisher... she was so sweet. She always gave me extra strawberries because they were my favorite toppings." Dream said to David and Emma.

"Okay, then, let's go check it out," Emma said when they started to walk out of the forest, back to the sheriff's car.

"The curse is working its way towards her heart. Once it touches, that's it." Regina sighed, looking at Marian as she knelt down next to her.

"Is there nothing you can do?" Robin sighed, looking at Regina.

"There might be something..." Regina sighed, standing up. "But only if you trust me completely." She sighed, looking at the guy, who she was trying not to love.

"I do," Robin said with no hesitation.

"Then, I'll send Henry to my vault to get what I need."

"Of course... What are you going to do?" He asked her, wanting to at least know what she was thinking of.

"Something drastic." Regina sighed, not being too confident in herself.

~season 4, episode 3: "Rocky Road"~

~1033 words~

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