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You wake up to Tom cuddling you. You curl up to him and hug him. You accidentally woke him up, but it's okay because he pulled you even more. You wrapped your hands around his neck and starte kissing his forehead while he holds on your waist with his head on your chest. You adored him so much. Eventually you guys had to get up as it was still the weekend and your mom was going back. Before you left Tom made you breakfast.
Yoy said goodbye to Bill and Tom and left. You open you door to see your mom already back. "Wow heyy mom" you say shocked "hello darling, you didn'g rell me you had a boyfriend" you giggle. You tell her all about Tom and she loves him, she thinks that he's a very sweet boy.
You eventually got bored and went to a walk, as you leave you say goodbye to your mother and began your walk, you go on the read and pass Tom's house. You see Tom staring at you.
You wave and laugh. He smirks and checks you out. Until you see a weird man walk past you, he tries to attack you, you smack him but he gets back up. Before he could do anything else Tom comes out and beats the shii out of him.
The person ran off and Tom took you to hos house. You were shocked and couldn't think straight. Tom brings you tea and abblanket until Bill walked in. "Omg what happened, are you okay? Why is there a bruise on your face?" You explain everything to him, he felt so bad for you. I hope you're okay "thank you" you say. After a few hours Tom comes, sits next to you and hugs you, he starts kissing your neck again and you start giggling . "Haha love" he ends up covering your mouth and gets on top of you, he doesn't stop kissing your neck until you flinched, he looked at you and took his shirt off, he mimbled "I fckin love you" you bacame serious and began going along with it. You ended up making out again.
After that he got tired and feel asleep on your chest. You woke up a few hours later to see that Tom isn't here, you look around and see smoke coming from the bathroom, you see Tom having a cigg. "Love, you know they're bad for you" you say, he looks back and gives you a bit. You completely forgot about what you said and tried it. He says he's going to take a shower since he stinks like cigs, you replied "without me?" (this is corny asf😭)
He pulls you in the shower. (You can now imagine what happened next)
After that you both go skating together. It was tour favorite thing to do (same with him). He shows you cool tricks and teaches you some. He soon had to go to the bathroom so you sat down and saw three boys approaching you. They start saying weird things and ask you out all sorts until one pinned you to a wall. He tries to kiss you but Tom comes in time and beats the shii out of him.

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