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you were a part of their band!
You were screaming out of happiness, you hugged them all.
"Omg thank you all sm ily guys"
Tom got a bit jealous you said that you love them all but he let that slide.
There was a girl in the bus, the band kept looking at her.
She was really pretty
(not as pretty as you of course)
Tom checked her out, you were annoyed asf
but ignored it until that girl came up to Tom and sat on his lap, you looked over to see Tom unbothered "he got jealous cuz i said that i love all the boys and he knew that i didn't meant it in that way, but he lets this slutty bitch sit on his lap?" You cussed in your mind
"What the fuck Tom"
you said, but of course that bitch interrupted.
"Uhm excuse me, do you mind? Me and my beautiful boy are having a moment" she said
"Last time I checked I was dating him, but sure Tom go for it, fuck you"
You get out of your seat and sit next to Bill.
"Hey Bill, your brother is a fucking-" he stopped you by whispering in your ear
"Yeah I've seen it, let's make him jealous you know what to do".
You smirked and went with the plan.
He held your hand and moved hair out of your face.
"Hey beautiful what's up?"
You smiled and said "well, look over there" you both look over to see Tom pissed and this bitch trying to flirt with him.
He was so pissed, he finally told that bitch that he's taken and she's way out of his league.
She was offended and left.
"As she should" I thought
You stayed w Bill and carried on with the plan.
You two faked flirting, Tom got up and dragged you to the back of the bus.
"Well?" He said while holding your hands
"What the fuck are you doing?"
You said smacking his hands out of yours.
"Tom you're ridiculous, you let this bitch do whatever she wants with you and I'm just sitting with my friend while you are being an absolute jerk"
"So you're saying that flirting with my brother is friends? Woah"
You got super pissed and slapped Tom.
"Don't you dare start Tom"
Before you could walk away he grabbed you and pinned you to a chair
"What are you trying to do?"
"I don't know who you think you are to cheat on me with my own brother but I will always choose you over all those sluts, you are the most caring, big hearted and loving person i've ever met so shut up and don't be jealous because I've got you and only you as my lover, do you understand?"
Tom said with a harsh but soft at the same tone
You blushed, but tried to hide it and walked back to your seat.
You looked over to Bill and said sorry.
As you sat down Tom held your thigh.
You looked over to him and gave him the dirtiest look.
He looked at you and said to wipe that look out off. You didn't do that so he started snuggling you and making that bitch jealous.
After that you got off you walked past that girl and tripped her as she was trying to pack her bags into this thing above the seats.
You walked back to your seat with a serious face, as soon as you sat in your seat Tom started laughing so hard with you while holding your hand.
Tom dropped you off to your house and said hello to your mom
She hugged you tightly and asked how was it
After you told your mom everything you called Tom and told him to come over.
He came and told you there was going to be an another concert in the next 3 weeks.
You got excited, but you were also worried that you might mess something up and they are going to have to cancel another concert and make their fans super mad.
Two weeks later
You just turned 19 and had a birthday party with all your close friends and family.
Day after your birthday party
You packed you bags, got ready, said goodbye to your mom and told her to take care.
You went to Tom and Bill's house to stay over before going to Greece.
You knocked on the door, but it was already open, you put your suitcase down
and suddenly someone took you to their room.

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