Chapter 2

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It was a calm and cloudy day in London, in one of the many streets stood a girl named Sophie Hawkins, patiently waiting next to a carriage of red and gold with the crest for Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry on each of the doors. The driver sat waiting for instructions holding the reins that seemed to be attached to, well, nothing.
A pile of suitcases filled the back of the carriage with a beautiful brown and white owl perched on top. Professor Fig placed the last suitcase on top of the pile and walked towards Sophie rubbing his hands together, "Ah, it appears we are almost ready to depart" she smiled, "Thank you Professor. I'm eager to get to Hogwarts".
Fig opened the door to the carriage and gestured for her to climb inside, "We best be going, we have your sorting ceremony to get to let's not keep the other students waiting". Sophie sat down, before Fig joined her he heard a faint sound of footsteps in the distance, he took a quick look behind him but couldn't see anyone. He quickly got into the carriage and as the driver whipped the reins the carriage suddenly emerged into the sky, disappearing behind a tall clock tower into the mist of the clouds.

As they floated effortlessly through the air Professor Fig wanted to discuss a few things with Sophie before their arrival at Hogwarts. "I hope the letter I sent you wasn't to cryptic, I trust you still have questions as to why I've requested you're transfer to Hogwarts?" she replied, "I do Sir. You mentioned in the letter the possibility of me having an ability to see ancient magic but where did you even get that information?" Fig went onto explain, "A friend of mine at the Ministry of Magic was able to dig through records of every witch and wizard that is born with a rare ability, any record regarding ancient magic however was more difficult for him to obtain. He believed they were being hidden for a reason, one I'm still unsure of however the Ministry always has been a place full of secrets regarding the goings on in the wizarding world" Sophie asked, "What else can you tell me about your wife's research. From what you've already told me of her she seemed like an amazing woman" Fig placed his hand on his chest and smiled, "Miriam was extraordinary, she had a knack for deciphering puzzles and a keen eye for the history of magic. Not to mention a tendency to take her curiosity too far sometimes, however it seems in this case she was right to be curious about Ranroks activities" Sophie looked at Fig in admiration, she could see how much he missed his wife and how proud he was of her to take on such a treacherous investigation.

Fig continued to tell Sophie more about his wife's research, Sophie asked, "...and these records your friend at the Ministry found, was there anyone else who holds this ability?" just as he was about to answer something unimaginable happened. The back of the carriage was ripped away from under their feet. Her owl screeching as it flew away in fear. They couldn't believe their eyes as they watched Sophie's belongings being masticated by an enormous dragon! Sophie gripped onto the seat as she looked on in shock, her heart pounded as her eyes and mouth widened, she turned to face the driver as he apparated into thin air, she turned back to look at the dragon, Fig was desperately holding onto the remaining piece of door next to him trying not to fall out. The dragon majestically flapped its wings and lifted its head revealing a collar of silver metal around its neck with a dark glow surrounding it, it moved it's head backwards as though it was taking a deep breath and let out a ferocious roar, they could feel the heat coming from its mouth getting warmer as sparks of fire began to emerge at the back of its throat, Fig screamed, "Jump!" as they jumped from the carriage a blast of fire and smoke exploded behind them hurling them into a spin amongst the clouds, with pieces of wood flying past them Fig shouted, "Quick! Give me you're hand!" Sophie hastily tried to push herself towards Professor Fig, the dragon swooped down towards them its mouth wide open and it's teeth prepared for a feast, Fig grabbed onto her hand as they apparated away.

Sophie cried out in pain as they abruptly reappeared inside a cavern of a stone mountain that was stood alone in the middle of the sea. Fig stumbled to get his balance and asked, "Are you alright?" she gripped her leg in agony, "You're hurt, here take this it's wiggenweld potion. That stuff will right you in a second" Fig handed her a small glass bottle with a bright, almost luminous green liquid inside. She drank the potion and sat back waiting for the healing to kick in, she asked, "Where are we?" Fig walked towards the entrance of the cavern, waves crashing against the stone "I believe were somewhere in the Scottish Isles. I think we should be close enough to Hogwarts for me to apparate us out of here". He placed both his hands on hips, "What the hell got into that damn thing?! Attacking a carriage mid-air?! A typical dragon would never..." Sophie picked herself up off the floor and walked towards Professor Fig, "I'm feeling better now Sir, if you're ready to go" he grabbed her hand and they apparated once more, this time reappearing on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. Fig looked up through the trees and noticed the towers of the Castle peaking through, "Ahh, we made it" Sophie looked around, she shivered from the brisk chill coming from the dark mist of the Forest. Fig turned to her and said, "Come. We have your sorting ceremony to get to".

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