Chapter 8

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Sophie woke up Monday morning feeling slightly exhausted and overwhelmed after the events during the weekend at Gringotts Bank. She had spent the last two nights replaying the memory of Percival Rackham and Charles Rookwood in her mind desperately trying to understand what it all meant and with the image of Ranroks blood red eyes constantly invading her thoughts, she didn't get much sleep. She had many questions ready for her next meeting with Professor Fig however, with a new day of classes awaiting her she was glad for the distraction they would bring.

With the first two classes of the day complete Sophie was feeling a little more at ease and was back enjoying the wonderment of her new life at Hogwarts. Her final class of the day and a new subject for all fifth years was Transfiguration with Professor Weasley. During the lesson Weasley explained how useful a transformation spell can be when facing a predicament however, her focus was more on showing the students how beautiful it also is. As Weasley stood in the middle of the classroom she took a small marble from her pocket and held it in the air, the students looking up with anticipation gasped as she flicked her wand and transformed it into an elegant butterfly. She then asked the class to take a marble for themselves from the jar at the back of the classroom and begin practicing the spell they had just learnt. Eager to give it a try Sophie quickly grabbed one and placed it on her desk, without thinking about the consequences she held out her unreliable wand, aimed it at the marble and flicked her wrist. The marble instantly flew off the desk, everyone ducked for cover as it rapidly pinged itself from wall to wall of the classroom, Weasley threw out her wand and shouted, "Arresto momentum!" the marble froze in mid air for just a second before dropping to the floor. Sophie got up from under her desk noticing everyone staring at her and Natty giggling away behind her, she turned, shrugged her shoulders and gave an apologetic smile. Professor Weasley announced, "Merlins beard! That's enough excitement for today, we will resume our practices in next weeks lesson. Class dismissed!". As the rest of the students hustled their way out the classroom Weasley took a seat at her desk and called out, "Miss Hawkins, Mr Sallow. A word please" Sophie and Sebastian approached her desk and Sophie cautiously asked, "Yes Professor?" expecting to be in some sort of trouble for what she had just done she was surprised when Weasley simply handed her a list. "I would like you to visit Hogsmeade right away. This is the list of school supplies we discussed when you arrived. You will need them for the rest of your classes this week and I'm afraid that wand of yours needs to be replaced as soon as possible before you end up injuring someone" Sophie tilted her head down in shame, "I also heard from Professor Ronen about your summoners court incident during Charms class..." remembering how Sophie had hurtled the ball into a crowd of unamused students Sebastian couldn't help but laugh, Weasley immediately shot her eyes over to him with a stern look and said, "Mr Sallow" he coughed and refrained his laughter, "Yes Professor?", "I would like you to accompany Sophie into Hogsmeade. You know the area well and I trust you will make sure she gets everything she needs" Sebastian replied, "Of course. I promise to be the very best of guides" he gave Sophie a quick smile and she said, "Thank you Sebastian, we'll head there now Professor".

As they made their way out of the Castle through the Bell Tower Courtyard, Jackson was sat on one of the benches with a group of his fellow seventh years. He noticed Sophie and Sebastian walking past and quickly got up to catch upto them, "Hey, where are you two off too?" Sophie turned her head and smiled, she was pleasantly surprised to see Jackson again, Sebastian said, "We're just heading into Hogsmeade for Sophie's school supplies. Come with us if you want, I need to pick up something for Anne so you can help show her around whilst I'm gone" Jackson didn't need much convincing he was thrilled at the idea of spending some time with Sophie, he replied, "Sounds good, let's go". As they continued walking along the winding path upto Hogsmeade Sophie couldn't help but ask Sebastian, "So who's Anne? Is she like your girlfriend or something?" Jackson laughed, "Nooo no, she's our sister" Sebastian said, "She's my twin actually" Sophie feeling rather embarrassed by her assumption replied, "Really? I don't think I've ever met twins before. I haven't seen her any of our classes though. Is she not a student at Hogwarts?" Sebastian's tone of voice immediately changed, he quietly answered, "She is but she isn't well at the moment. She's had to stay at home with our Uncle Solomon" noticing his brothers sudden change in demeanour Jackson leaned over to Sophie and said, "It's a long story...but we're hoping to have her back causing her usual trouble in Hogwarts soon". Sophie gracefully nodded, she heard the pain in Sebastians voice as he spoke about Anne, it was obvious just how much the brothers were missing her but she didn't want to press them on it any further. As they arrived in Hogsmeade Sebastian let out a sigh and said, "Ahh if only one could bottle the magic of this place, I don't know what it is about it but we all flock to it like moths to a flame" Sophie looked around at the many quaint shops all squashed beside eachother, groups of people filled the streets laughing and chatting away with the music of a local busker making it feel like they had just walked into some sort of festival. Sebastian stopped them and said, "I just need to pop over to the Magic Neep so I'll leave you two to it, I'll meet you in the town circle when you're done and remember...have fun, it's Hogsmeade!".

Sophie and Jackson looked at eachother and exchanged a cheeky smile, they were both secretly pleased to be alone together. Jackson asked, "So. Where to first?" Sophie handed him the list, "Hmm, Ollivanders is just round the corner so before we do anything else let's get you a new wand" she replied, "Your right, if one more embarrassing incident happens to me in class I'm going to lose it!" Jackson chuckled, "You're kind of feisty aren't you" she rubbed her hand across her face and sighed, "I don't mean to be its just been a busy week and I haven't had much sleep the last couple of days", "Don't worry I haven't slept much either. I can't get Ranrok out of my head. Whatever power he's wielding is dangerous and he clearly has eyes and ears everywhere to find us in that vault", "Not to mention the traces of magic we're seeing being a path we have to follow to only Merlin knows where!". For just a moment they both stared at eachother, processing the immensity of the journey that lies ahead of them. As she gazed into his amber eyes Sophie felt a strange rush of relief and comfort. Almost as if she was looking at someone she had known all her life. "Jackson. I'm not sure I'm ready for all of this" he could see the vulnerable look on her face, he took hold of her hand and smiled, "We're in this together. Now come on we can't take on a goblin rebellion with that wand of yours". Their connection was undeniable and one neither of them could avoid, its as though they were destined to be together and nothing or no one could stand in its way.

As they entered Ollivanders wand shop Sophie stopped to inspect the hundreds of wands stacked up and squeezed into a wall of shelves, Jackson headed over to the counter and went to ring the bell, before he could touch it it lifted itself up and started ringing. A voice came from the back room, "Hello?" Gerbold Ollivander peaked his head out, he saw Jackson and said, "Ahh one moment please". Brushing the dust of his jacket he emerged from the back room and smiled, "How can I help you today?" Jackson answered, "Hello Sir... this is Sophie.." Ollivander interrupted him and walked straight out from behind the counter, he grabbed Sophie's hand and shook it vigorously, "Yes, yes you're the new student I've been waiting to see. It's about time!" she asked, "About time?" he finally let go of her hand, "Professor Weasley told me you arrived here last week? Dreadful news about your wand being destroyed by that Dragon" she sighed, "Yes I really loved that wand". Ollivander went and stood infront of the wall of wands and put his hands on his hips, he leaned back and said, "Now then where to begin? Ahh yes, let's try this one..." he took a box from the bottom shelf and presented it to her, she took out the wand and examined it. Ollivander called out, "Well go on. Give it a swish" she flicked her wrist and it immediately flew out of her hand into the air above them. They all looked up in amazement, suddenly fireworks began shooting out from the tip of the wand, Ollivander quickly grabbed it and shoved it back in the box shouting, "Nope! Nope! Definitely not that one". Sophie glanced over at Jackson, he couldn't help but laugh, he was completely besotted by her aura of chaos. Ollivander took a moment to search his large collection of wands, he seemed to be looking for a particular one he had in mind. "Ah there you are" with a flick of his wand down came a box from the very top shelf, he opened it and said, "A rare unicorn hair core, ten and a half inches with a light Acacia wood finish. Let's try this one" Sophie, looking slightly worried, leaned in and took out the wand, she held it out infront of her and smiled as she felt a surge of power flow through her body, the bonding was instant. Jackson's eyes widened his mouth agape as he watched a radiant blue glow begin to surround her and then disappear into thin air, he gasped, "What was that!?" Ollivander grinning from ear to ear answered, "That my young friend is the bond being made between a powerful wand and a powerful witch!" Sophie softly said with a smirk, "Woahhh" Jackson frowned and tilted his head into his shoulder, he whispered to himself, "Well where was my bloody glow?" Sophie hearing him giggled, "Don't be jealous, you got your wand years ago I'm sure if you got a new one now you would glow too" Jackson's eyes lit up, he went to turn to Ollivander, "Erm, Sir..." Sophie laughed, grabbed his arm and spun him towards the door, "No Jackson come on, we need to get the rest of my supplies" he sighed and started ranting, "Fine. But just so you know I'm a powerful wizard too, you should see me..." Sophie called out from the doorway in a fit of laughter, "Thankyou Mr Ollivander!" he chuckled as their back and forth banter faded from his shop, seeing the indisputable spark between them he said, "Oh to be young and in love".

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