Chapter 5

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It's been a couple of days since Sophie arrived at Hogwarts and she was finally beginning to settle in, having the weekend off from classes she decided to get a well earned rest and slept through most of the morning. Jackson however had a lot his mind so was feeling restless, he'd woken up just after sunrise and decided to go for a run along the coast of the Black Lake. The last couple of years have been hard on Jackson aswell as his younger twin siblings Sebastian and Anne. Their parents were dedicated Professors and they would spend nearly every waking moment in their cellar library, but sadly died after a lamp in their cellar poisoned them with an undetectable toxin. The Sallow siblings moved out of their family home and have since had the displeasure of being taken care of by their Uncle, Solomon Sallow in Feldcroft. After the uprising of Ranroks rebellion a few months ago, Feldcroft was one of the first places to be raided by angry Goblins. The night of the attack Anne had ran outside to help put out the fires that were starting to engulf their neighbours houses but was confronted by a Goblin that cast a curse on her using dark magic, the curse has left her suffering with an excruciating pain that numerous doctors and nurses have been unable to cure. The brothers miss having their sister around and Sebastian is especially determined to do anything to find a cure for his twin.

As Jackson arrived back at the Slytherin common room he bumped into Sebastian and Sebastians best friend Ominis Gaunt, "Sebastian, Ominis, what are you two whispering about now?" Sebastian rolled his eyes, "We're actually talking about Anne. I think I know of something that might be able to help ease her pain" Ominis butted in, "Sebastian seems to think a Shrivelfig can be used in a potion that will make some kind of pain relief but making the potion will take longer than the effects will last. Will you please talk some sense into him" Jackson laughed knowing all too well how stubborn his brother is, "Sorry Ominis, I can't help you with this one" Sebastian clutching a tatty old book said, "I know it might be pulling at billy wigs but it's worth a try. Meet me in the library later, I need your help searching through some books" Jackson replied, "Sebastian it's the weekend. You've been in the library all week. Why don't you and Ominis leave the Castle for abit. It'll do you some good". Sebastian paused for a moment, he knew his brother was only looking out for him but he had no intention of giving up his search. He answered, "We can't give up. I truly think I'm onto something with this, just trust me" Ominis sighed, he was hoping Sebastian would have, for once, taken his brothers advice. Jackson answered, "Fine. I actually have something I need to talk to you about. It's rather important so I guess I'll see you there" Sebastian bowed his head, "Okay, we'll speak soon". Jackson left them and entered the seventh year boys bedroom, he saw his owl Erwin had a scroll waiting for him with a large parcel on his bed. The note read;

If you could, please meet me in my office this afternoon so I can introduce you to the other student I mentioned. We must discuss matters regarding the key you uncovered. Just as a precaution I ask if you can please wear the clothes I have sent you, as we may need to leave the Castle I don't want you to be seen in your school uniform.
Professor E. Fig

Having heard many rumours about the dragon attack upon Sophie's arrival to Hogwarts he was relieved to hear from Professor Fig and eager to meet the girl Fig believes has the same rare ability as him. Jackson opened the parcel and pulled out a tan coat, crimson red waistcoat and blue spotted bow tie. Not unfamiliar with Figs endearing quirky personality he didn't think much into it and put on the outfit he had sent him. He walked into the boys bathroom and looked in the mirror to adjust his bow tie, he ran his fingers through his thick brown hair pushing it to one side and then placed his hand on his stomach and took a deep breath in, as he exhaled he said, "Okay. I'm ready". Feeling a little anxious about the day ahead of him Jackson left the Slytherin common room and went to the Great Hall to grab some breakfast.

It had reached around noon when Sophie eventually woke from her well needed slumber. As she got up out of bed she saw a scroll attached to her owls foot. It read;

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