Chapter 7

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As soon as Professor Fig touched the port-key they found themselves transported to an unexpected location, Sophie asked, "Where are we?" Fig completely astounded knowing exactly where they were said, "I don't believe it...". From across the room they saw a tall podium, as they got closer they noticed a sleeping goblin snoring loudly with his body sprawled across an open book. Jackson took a few steps forward and peered his eyes over the podium, "Hello?" there was no response, Fig approached the podium and cleared his throat in hopes to wake the goblin but again he didn't flinch, he turned to Sophie and Jackson waving in hands in frustration. He coughed again, this time a little louder, the goblin jumped up in his seat as a quill flew out his hands. He rubbed his eyes and peaked his head over the podium, he saw Fig, Sophie and Jackson stood before him all looking rather puzzled. His eyes widened, he seemed to recognise who they were, "It can't be...." he climbed down from the podium and walked towards them, he bowed down and said, "Welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Vault number twelve I presume?" Fig quickly wiped the confused expression off his face not wanting to look too suspicious and answered, "Precisely". There was a moment of silence as the goblin stared at Fig before he held out his hand and asked, "....The key?" Fig uncertain of the key he was talking about looked over at Sophie and Jackson for assistance, Jackson leaned over and whispered, "Your wife's port-key" Fig replied, "Oh yes, of course" and handed the key to the goblin. As he walked them over to a set of tracks he whistled and a cart came hurtling towards them, he put his hand out and said, "After you" Fig feeling concerned about the goblins knowledge of who they were and of his wife's port-key turned to Sophie and Jackson and whispered, "Stay close".

They climbed onto the cart and it took off into a high speed following a path of tracks that weaved their way through the spacious underground cavern. Before passing through to one of the lower levels of the bank the cart started to slow down, as they came to a stop a goblin dressed to be a security guard of some sort called out, "Vault number?" to which the driver replied, "Vault twelve" the guard gestured for them to continue on and said, "On your way". As they took off into another high speed excursion along the rails Jackson leaned over to Fig and whispered, "Professor. The arm band that guard was wearing was glowing" Fig asked, "Like the glow you saw on the port-key container?" Jackson answered, "No darker" Sophie leaned over from the other side of the cart and whispered, "That sounds like the glow I saw on the dragons collar". The goblin overhearing them mumbling to one another asked, "What did you say?" Fig quickly replied, "We were just discussing the impressive security here at Gringotts" the goblin nodded in agreement, "Indeed. This is the safest place in the entire wizarding world". A little further along the tracks they came to a stop as the driver called out, "Here we are!". Professor Fig and the goblin exited the cart and walked ahead, Jackson got up and put his hand out to help Sophie climb over the seats from the other side of the cart but as she went to bring her leg over she lost her balance, Jackson caught her and pulled her in close moving her away from the ledge. Gripping hold of eachother they looked down at the sheer drop below them and then back at one another, with a sigh of relief she said, "That was a close one. Thank you!" he smiled and reluctantly freed her from his grasp as he replied, "You're welcome".

They joined Professor Fig at the entrance of the vault and the goblin placed the key inside the keyhole, as the vault opened he gestured for them to go inside, as they entered Fig turned to thank the goblin but was rudely interrupted by him, "The instructions for vault twelve are to grant access to the holder of the key and then close the door" with a flick of his wrist the door slammed shut and locked them in. Fig glanced at Sophie and Jackson, "Well that was certainly unexpected" he looked around the vault, not seeing anything of interest he said, "There must be something here!" unsure of what they were supposed to be looking for Jackson asked, "Professor?" Fig put his hands on hips and replied, "One moment, let me think...." he pulled out his wand and cast the revealing charm revelio. Sophie noticed something glistening at end of the room, "Sir! Do that again I think I saw something" he cast revelio again and this time Jackson noticed the same thing she had, "There's that glow again!" Fig asked, "Where?" Jackson pointed, "There on that wall". Now stood in front of the the wall in question Fig cast revelio a third time and a door appeared with a large swirling symbol on it, intrigued by their discovery he said, "If what you can see reveals the way forward then I dare say we are about learn the secret of this vault....lead the way" Jackson looked at Sophie and she nodded for him to go ahead, he reached his hand out and touched the symbol, suddenly, everything went black.

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