Chapter 12

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After a long day of classes Jackson grabbed the book they found in the restricted section from his common room and headed over to the Charms classroom to meet up with Sophie, he peaked his head inside and saw the students were still finishing their lesson with Professor Ronen. He leaned his shoulder up against the wall, folded his arms and crossed one leg over the other. As he stared up at the ceiling he started replaying the events of the night before in his mind, he couldn't get the image of Sophie's glowing blue eyes out of his head. As the students left the classroom Sebastian playfully kicked his foot, "What are you doing here?" Jackson jumped out of his daydream and replied, "Oh I'm just here for Sophie" Ominis walked past them and snarked, "I heard you and Sophie blew up a troll in Hogsmeade. You know there's such a thing as trying too hard" Sebastian laughed and went to catch upto him. Sophie walked out of the classroom giggling away with Natty and Imelda, Jackson smiled, "There you are" as the girls carried on walking Sophie stopped and called out to Natty, "I'll see you in the great hall for dinner" Natty nodded and gave a cheeky glance at Jackson, Sophie smiled, she looked up at him and asked, "I haven't kept you waiting have I?" he replied, "Not atall. Shall we go see Professor Fig? I'm interested to see where this book will lead us next" she took hold of the book and inspected the cover, "Me too. And I've been thinking a lot about the memory we saw of Isadora. I'm curious to know why Fig didn't find any record of her having the ability to wield ancient magic when he went to the ministry" Jackson took the book back and put it under his arm, "Hmm. I'm not sure. Let's see what he makes of this book first, come on".

They entered Professor Figs office and noticed him talking to Professor Sharp, catching the end of their conversation they heard Sharp say, "You cannot be serious. Goblins working with Rookwood? That makes no sense" Fig answered, "It is rather unorthodox to say the least" Sharp with a tone of anger in his voice replied, "Unorthodox? It's in inconceivable! It's..." he stopped and saw Sophie and Jackson stood in the doorway, "Ah. Fig. You have visitors. I'll see what I can find out" Sharp quickly left his office. They approached Figs desk and Jackson placed the book down and said, "Sir. We were able to search the restricted section whilst you were with Professor Black. It WAS a book we were after" Figs eyes lit up, he opened up the book and answered, "What? That's..wait. You accessed the restricted section. But how? Thinking on it perhaps you should spare me the details" Jackson chuckled, "Fair enough" Sophie said, "It was actually below the restricted section in another room made from ancient magic" Fig took a seat in his chair, "I want to hear everything but first let's have a look". As he inspected the book he began flicking through the pages, he saw a few of the pages had been ripped out. "Oh dear. Some of these pages seem to be missing, it appears someone has gotten to the book before us" Sophie and Jackson gave a concerned look to one another, Fig tapped his fingers together and paused for a moment to collect his thoughts, "I will need time to study what remains. I wonder why it was here? Below Hogwarts" Sophie replied, "We found another pensieve and saw two more memory's where we found the book. The first showed Professor Percival Rackham along with three other Professors using ancient magic to restore a Hamlet from a drought. The second memory showed a student here at Hogwarts named Isadora, she could see traces of magic too". Fig sat back in his chair, he tapped his finger on his chin and said, "Hmm. Miriam was right. Interesting" Sophie looked at Jackson and hesitantly said, "Sir, there's something else you should know. We had to fight the ancient guardians that were guarding the book and, well, we used the ancient magic.." Jackson interrupted, "Professor. Our eyes were glowing, blue!" Fig furrowed his eyebrows and sat up in his chair, completely taken aback by the information they had just shared he asked, "What? Like the glow you've been seeing?" Sophie answered, "Similar to it yes but much brighter. It seems to only happen when we use our ability" Fig replied, "Fascinating. You two appear to be more powerful than I anticipated. That being said we must remain focused. I'll need to take this book with me to London. I need to speak with my friend George at the Ministry" Jackson nodded, "Of course Sir. We'll see what we can find out about the missing pages whilst you're gone" Fig answered, "Good. Well done both of you. I look forward to hearing from you when I return".

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