Chapter 6

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After exploring many areas of the Castle Sophie and Natty finished their tour outside the doors of the Great Hall, before Sophie had to leave to meet with Professor Fig they planned on joining the other students for dinner but before they could go in Sophie was stopped by the Head Master Professor Black, "Miss Hawkins!" startled from the loudness of him shouting her name she turned and said, "Yes sir?" he put his hands behind his back and puffed out his chest, "I trust you have attended all of you're classes so far" she quickly replied, "Of course Sir", "Good! I don't want to hear you've been slacking on your first week here. All Hogwarts students must maintain the excellent reputation of this school". Sophie could feel the egotism of Professor Black and didn't care for his attitude, she stared at him waiting to see what else he had to say. "I need you to come with me, Professor Fig has requested I take you to his office immediately" she wasn't sure why Fig would have included Professor Black in their plans to meet but didn't want to cause any suspicion so simply replied, "Yes Sir". She turned to Natty as they gave eachother a look of disappointment that she had to leave and quickly followed Black out of the hallway.

As they arrived at Figs classroom Professor Black walked ahead and barged through the door abruptly interrupting Figs conversation with Jackson, "Fig! I have brought you the student you requested" Fig looked over as Sophie walked into his office, "Ah Sophie, there you are" Jackson rapidly turned around from the mention of her name, as their eyes met once again he was completely entranced. Sophie noticing the delighted but slightly vacant look on his face gave him a rather amorous smile. She was pleased to see Jackson again and couldn't help but appreciate how handsome he was now stood in the light of the sunshine beaming through Figs office. Professor Black disturbed the charming moment between them with his loud and obnoxious voice as he yelled at Fig, "Next time you need someone to fetch you a student I suggest you ask one of the other Professors, I am far too busy to be seen gallivanting around the Castle!" without even looking at Sophie or Jackson he stormed out of the office.

Sophie approached Figs desk and stood next to Jackson, Fig shook his head and said to her, "That man is exasperating! I apologise for needing his help in bringing you here but we can not wait any longer" Sophie asked, "You didn't tell him why you wanted to see me did you?" Fig replied, "I simply told him we needed to get you to Hogsmeade as soon as possible for your school supplies and that I had asked Jackson here to take you" Sophie and Jackson looked at one another and smirked, they were impressed by Figs convincing lie to the Head Master. He continued, "Now then, Jackson tells me you two have already the library was it?" Jackson replied, "Yes Sir. As I was saying before Professor Black interrupted our conversation, there were others around so we weren't able to introduce ourselves properly but we guessed from our clothes that we were the students you had planned to meet" Fig put his hands on hips and chuckled, "Yes that must have been rather awkward for you both". Noticing the perplexed look on both of their faces he went onto explain himself, "Since our unfortunate encounter with the dragon Sophie I perceived they were the only out of school clothes you own" he looked at Jackson, "I requested a similar outfit for you from a friend of mine at Gladrags. As you two will be working together it would be fitting to have you dress accordingly when taking on anything that requires you to leave the Castle. I only say this as a precaution for your safety. We do not know who sent that dragon after our carriage nor do we know why. We have to assume we are being watched and I do not want you being seen in your school uniforms. We can only hope whoever sent that dragon isn't already aware of your presence at Hogwarts". Overlooking the poetic sentiment of having them dress the same now they were a team Sophie and Jackson understood the seriousness in Figs voice, their ability to see ancient magic was more important than they initially realised and he has every right to be cautious, they're just a couple of kids.

Professor Fig spent some time explaining his wife's research in more detail and showed them the drawings of the swirls related to the ancient magic she had been studying. Sophie and Jackson were completely overwhelmed now seeing the extent of Miriam's research but more so fascinated by her work. It was clear to them that Fig needed to continue his wife's investigation into Ranrok and they were ready for whatever tasks he needed them to do in order to help end Ranroks rebellion against wizard kind. As Fig went to pick up the container with the key he had been examining for the last few days he said, "Now before we carry on is there anything either of you want to ask me?". Feeling somewhat prepared for the journey they were about to embark on together they both shook their heads, Sophie answered, "No Sir, it all seems clear now why we're here" Jackson having known Fig for nearly seven years now trusted him completely, he answered, "Whatever you need us to do Professor we will". Fig walked from behind his desk and stood infront of them both, he held out the container and said, "The key you uncovered Jackson is a port-key" they both called out at the same time, "Port-key?!" Fig continued, "Indeed. Now I have no idea where this port-key will lead us but we shouldn't waste anymore time in finding out". Sophie feeling a little uneasy about what was about to happen glanced up at Jackson for reassurance, he took hold of her hand, Sophie looked back at Professor Fig and as she took hold his arm he asked, "Ready?" they both replied, "We're ready".

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