Chapter 3

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Arriving at the entrance to the Great Hall Professor Fig peaked through the doors, he turned to Sophie and said, "Oh good. We haven't missed your sorting ceremony" he lifted his wand and pointed it at her, "I'm no expert but that seems more..appropriate" she looked down as her clothes suddenly changed from the once brown and red ensemble into the black robes well known for a Hogwarts student. As they walked towards the large wooden doors Fig said, "I will need to contact the Ministry and let them know about the dragon attack. For the moment, I ask that you keep the reason for your sudden transfer between you and me. The other Professors assume you made the decision to join Hogwarts on your own accord, so let's not tell them anything otherwise, atleast for now" Sophie trusting he knows what he's doing replied, "Of course Sir" Fig replied, "Thankyou". He rubbed his hands together, "Right then. Ready to go in?" Sophie smiled and nodded. He opened the doors slightly and noticed Professor Black standing at the far end of the hall, as their eyes met Black looked rather frustrated, they'd been waiting in the Great Hall for Sophie's arrival for quite some time. Professor Fig quickly turned to Sophie and with a slight tone of loathing in his voice said, "Phineas. Nigellus. Black." he moved her back from the doors, "Prepare yourself to meet the Head Master". Professor Black emerged from the doorway and snarled, "Fig! How nice of you to join us" Fig gave a quick glance at Sophie and replied, "There were...complications" Black shouted, "Complications?!" Fig tried to explain himself, "It seems the Goblins..." Black abruptly interrupted him, "Enough! Goblins. I have no time for rumours Fig and I am rapidly losing whatever patience I had left". He crossed his hands behind his back and looked at Sophie, "We need to get you sorted this evening. Let's not keep everyone waiting" as he turned to walk back into the Great Hall Sophie quickly followed him, Fig stopped her and said, "I'll be in touch".

The hall was filled with students, all of them in their fifth year, they'd been asked to stay in the Great Hall after dinner to welcome a new arrival. As she followed Black to the podium Sophie could hear whispers coming from some of the students as their eyes watched her take the long walk through the hall, she overheard one girl complaining, "Why is she so late. I want to go to bed!". A few others didn't even raise an eyebrow and simply continued to stuff their faces with the mounds of food still spread out in front of them. She was relieved to be met by a soft smile from Professor Weasley, "Welcome. You made it just in time. Have a seat" Sophie anxiously sat down and peered her eyes up as Weasley placed the sorting hat on her head. The sorting hat called out, "Ahh yes. A little bit older than the students I usually sort aren't you? You come here with preferences and preconceptions - certain expectations" Sophie replied, "I'm looking forward to exploring Hogwarts and the lands beyond the Castle grounds" intrigued by her answer the hat said, "Indeed. Much can be gleaned from having an adventurous spirit but your Professors have a great deal to teach you aswell. Hmmm. You're brave at heart, exceptionally daring and undaunted by the unknown and you've a ready mind. Quick to learn". Sophie looked up at the hat in anticipation for it to tell her what house she was joining, it shouted, "Better be..Ravenclaw!" Sophie grinned as the other students clapped and whistled, cheering in celebration for her. Professor Weasley removed the sorting hat from her head as she stood up from the chair and pointed her wand at her, she transformed her robes into the stunning cerulean blue of house Ravenclaw. Professor Black walked to the front of the podium and announced, "I expect you all to give our new fifth year a cordial welcome to Hogwarts. Now then, I'm sure you all have plenty to do for your classes tomorrow...." the students looked at Black expecting more from his announcement, in the silence a lonely cough echoed from the back of the hall, Black gestured at the students to get up, "I said! I'm sure you all have plenty to do before your classes tomorrow!" as they started hustling their way out of the Great Hall Professor Weasley turned to Sophie who was busy staring at the enchanted ceiling above them, entranced by the thousands of floating candles and mesmerised by the fact she could see clouds and stars, she was almost convinced their was actually no ceiling there atall. "Pleased to meet you I'm Professor Weasley" Sophie smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you too Professor" Weasley crossed her hands infront her and said, "As deputy headmistress it is my distinct honour to show you to your common room. This way".

After climbing the many stairs of the spiral staircase in the Ravenclaw Tower they finally reached a door with a large silver Eagle on it, its claws holding a large door knocker and it's wings spread all the way across. Professor Weasley said, "This is the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room. You will have to solve a riddle to enter" Sophie looked at the door and frowned in confusion, she walked towards it and a voice spoke out; "Who lived longer, the ghost or the poltergeist?" Sophie glanced at Weasley hoping for some assistance, clearly not going to get any she looked back at the door and thought about her answer, "Hmmm. A ghost or a poltergeist? ...A non-being could never have been!" the silver Eagles head suddenly turned to face them, it's wings hugged itself as the door opened. They smiled at one another, Weasley gave a small clap and said, "Well done. Go on in and get some sleep you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. There are two classes you will need to attend so I will come to collect you in the morning and show you how to get around the Castle" Sophie walked inside and turned to Weasley, "Thank you Professor. I'll see you in the morning". The door closed behind her and after another set of stairs she was taken a back by the beautiful blue and bronze silk curtains that covered the walls of the common room, the ceiling painted deep blue with gold stars and moons that gleamed from the light of the chandelier at the top of the tower. She eventually found her way to the fifth year girls bedroom and was overwhelmed with relief to see her owl perched waiting for her at the end of her bed, "Jinx! You made it!" She stroked her wings and said, "I hope you're not hurt. Who knew we would nearly be eaten by a Dragon on our way here!? Mums going to be worried sick when she finds out".

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