Chapter 11

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They found Sebastian stood in the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower staring at an unusual looking painting of a witch surrounded by red and blue flames. Jackson called out, "Sebastian, there you are" he spun round and answered, "There you are" Jackson said, "I need to find something for Professor Fig but it's in the restricted section of the library" Sebastian huffed, "He can't get it himself?" Sophie replied, "He was called away by Black at the last moment" Jackson added, "I suppose I could wait to get a note from him but..." Sebastian interrupted him with a gleam in his eyes, "You want to show some initiative", "Precisely". With a slight tone of mischief in her voice Sophie said, "Jackson mentioned you being clever enough not to get caught in the restricted section" Sebastian nodded his head and with the same tone of mischief replied, "And I am. Meet me outside the library tonight" Jackson smiled, "Thankyou Sebastian, we'll meet you later".

Later that evening Sophie headed over to the library, she walked through the Central Hall and saw Sebastian and Jackson stood at the bottom of the stairs. Sebastian was peering over the bannister keeping an eye on the prefects roaming the hall. Jackson however was leaning with his elbows on the bannister, his hands resting on his stomach and one leg crossed over the other. She stared down at him and let out a lustful sigh, he was becoming more and more irresistible each time she laid eyes on him. As she joined them at the bottom of the stairs Jackson smiled and said, "There you are" Sebastian waved his head towards the prefects stood outside the entrance to the library, "See there, those prefects would love nothing more than to rat on us to the librarian so don't let them see us" Sophie cheekily said, "I can be sneaky, let's go" Sebastian replied, "Hold on now. Do you know how to cast the disillusionment charm?" Sophie nodded, "Of course" Jackson smirked at Sebastian, "See, I told you. We're good. Come on" Sebastian said, "Alright. I'll go in first and cause a distraction, you two need to get the key from the librarians desk. We'll meet at the entrance to the restricted section...Ready?" they both answered, "We're ready". They each cast the disillusionment charm and turned invisible, they made their way down the stairs and snook past the prefects. Upon entering the library they saw the librarian named Agnes Scribner putting away some books on the shelves next to her desk, Sophie and Jackson went and hid behind one of the bookcases awaiting Sebastians distraction. As he re-appeared at the far end of the library, Sophie whispered "What the hell is he doing?" Sebastian cast confringo and blew one of the wooden chairs to pieces, he quickly went invisible again and disappeared behind one of the bookcases. Jackson whispered, "See this is why I never ask him to do anything" Sophie snorted (a little too loudly) and Jackson couldn't help but laugh with her. The librarian called out, "Peeves? Is that you?" she started walking towards the back of the library and Jackson said, "Quick..go, go, go". They crouched their way over to the desk and Sophie quickly grabbed the key from the top draw, "Got it!" Jackson said, "Okay, follow me". They snook their way past the librarian who was busy casting repairo on the dissembled chair. Sebastian whispered, "Over here" Sophie went over to the gate and unlocked it, as they headed inside Sebastian said, "We should be good now. No need to be invisible anymore". They all re-appeared and Jackson shot a look at Sebastian, "Seriously? Confringo?" Sebastian smirked and shrugged his shoulders, "What? It's my favourite spell. I got us in didn't I?". As they walked through the restricted section Sebastian asked, "What exactly is it that you're looking for?" Sophie said, "We don't know but we'll know when we see it" Sebastian sarcastically replied, "Thankyou that was just the answer I was after". Suddenly, a poltergeist named Peeves appeared out of nowhere, "Ahhh if it isn't the Sallow brothers and their new little friend! Sneaking in the restricted section! Naughty naughtyyy, you'll get caughtyyy!" Sebastian gritted his teeth and called out, "Peeves. Don't you dare" Peeves floated away chanting, "I'm going to tell! I'm going to tell!" as he disappeared through one of the walls Sebastian clenched his fists and furrowed his eyebrows, "Ugh that damn poltergeist! I better go stop him before he tells Scribner" Jackson said, "Wait, I don't want you getting trouble for us" Sebastian cheekily replied, "Its fine, I like having people in my debt. Now you two go ahead, good luck in your search".

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