Conan changed into his favourite lazy, but still fashionable 'going out' clothes. His black baggy pants, white tee, and white canvas shoes were nothing too fancy, it still made him look half decent in his opinion, especially with his hair in the curly slash messy-ish way.
He didn't leave his apartment until he put on the black necklace that Asher gave to him for his eighteenth birthday, and the beige jacket his father got him the same day. By far, they were the two most important pieces he owned. Almost everything he wore featured the two items.
Tonight he had his team bonding thing that the Coach made the team do together. He wasn't necessarily keen on going to a bar with people he didn't really call his good mates, but it was mandatory, and he didn't want to let his Coach down, especially after the threats that were made at the training session the previous day. His worst nightmare would be getting kicked off the college team and potentially losing his scholarship all because he didn't want to socialise.
With one last glance into his mirror to check his appearance was still alright, he picked up his wallet, keys, and phone and left for the uni bar. Luckily, it wasn't too far away from his apartment. A short ten minute walk and he would be there.
Being a Saturday night, the city was buzzing, just like it was last week after his date. The same image of couples enjoying themselves together was plaguing his mind. He turned his head to look at the ground, to where he was walking. He was about to, as he hoped, have a little bit of fun with his team mates. He didn't have the time to mope around like a sad sack of shit.
Soon enough, he arrived at the uni bar. He could see the majority of his team in the corner of the large bar. A bunch of smaller tables had been moved to the side of the room to allow for some higher sized bar tables to take their place.
"Conan, thought you weren't gonna show up man," Jiro said to Conan as he walked toward the table. Jiro was one of the few people on the team that Conan actually spoke to outside of training and games. Jiro was a year older, and decided to take Conan under his wing when he was new to the team. The other two guys at the table were Dorian and Hugo, another two that Conan could tolerate from time to time. They were nothing like the friends he had during high school, but they were still good guys.
"It was tempting, I can't be unsociable forever though, even though the idea is nice," the few guys laughed at the unintentional joke by Conan.
After minutes of conversations and statements leading nowhere, Conan walked himself over to the bar and sat down.
"What can I do for you?"
"Vodka orange juice please," Conan asked with confidence in hope the bartender wouldn't ask for his I.D, and to much surprise, the older man didn't. I mean, it probably wasn't good for him not to check, but on the good side, it meant Conan got the drinks he wanted.
A couple minutes later, his drink was on the bar in front of him. Even though the bar itself was loud, he still felt some solitude sitting by himself in here. The feelings he had in his head were confusing him, because as much as he didn't want to be here, he appreciates being around the loud noise with all the people around, but was still thankful to be sitting by himself. It was strange, he didn't really know how to feel at the moment. He should be over with the rest of his team, but he honestly could not be bothered joining them.
"Uh, excuse me?" Suddenly, the bartender placed another of the same drink in front of him, "I didn't order another drink."
"You didn't, but he did over there," he said as he pointed to a red headed boy at the other end of the bar that was looking back at him. A sudden blush appeared on his face. If he was confused about his feelings about being alone before, he was even more confused over this. No one had ever bought him a drink before, and he wasn't expecting anyone to buy him one, especially not another boy.

Conan: A Short Story
Kısa HikayeConan was painfully single, and he didn't like it... until he met a certain someone that decided to change that pain, and turn it into pleasure. *Characters included from Sweet Boy, but can be read as a stand alone* *Warning: this is a SHORT story,*