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chapter twelve ; something about you

the loud cheers of people, the familiar sensation

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the loud cheers of people, the familiar sensation. the wind rushed around the area like the music gushing around the people's hearts who was shouting the same name and the same group name over and over again.

" y/n! "

" ans-i! "

" we love you! "

it was her, the known and very loved idol of the idol group ans-i, l/n y/n. they're performing on a large stage and with a large crowd.

" who's ready for a blast everybody?? " y/n asked pointing at the loud crowd as the other members points at her for the spotlight as everyone cheered and shouted.

" what we can't hear you? " the other member asked.

" who's ready?! " y/n asked again.

" we are! " the crowds answered rather loudly because of their excitement.

" alright, everyone! thank you for coming! " the other member said.

" we are the ans-i! enjoy! "

y/n winked at the crowd as the music started everyone stood to their positions as y/n finger-gunned the crowd before the performance started.

as y/n woke up, " hm? a dream? " y/n asked herself and paused, " no, rather, a memory. "

she smiled softly at the memory still eyes closed when she slowly began to hear soft and quiet breathing next to her. she gradually opened her eyes and as she realized the presence of aqua next to her, she had a feeling a bit of nausea and dizziness.

her head felt like it was spinning but still, her lips formed a soft smile on her face as she looked at him, her hand trailing at her forehead feeling a fever patch. she had a warm and peaceful feeling inside her when she saw him sleeping, his head resting at the edge of the bed and it looked like he still came from the shoot.

y/n breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that she hadn't messed anything up. she leaned back on her bed and closed her eyes, clasping her hands together. despite having many unanswered questions such as how she got home, who changed her clothes, why aqua is present, and whether the shoot was successful, she feels more relieved than confused.

' that's good to know. ' y/n thought smiling a bit, thinking of not ruining anything at all.

" ...you okay? " aqua asked half-awake rubbing his eyes as y/n opened her eyes slowly and met his, the nausea and dizziness were like disappearing into thin air.

" i...yeah. " y/n replied, smiling softly before looking at the different side.

aqua then went over to y/n, and he began to gently check her body temperature with his hand.

his fingers gently caressed y/n's forehead and cheek, causing her to flush and blink in surprise at the sudden touch.

" i think so too. " aqua said checking her state before smiling a bit. " that's good to know. "

y/n opened her mouth and closed it when aqua stood up and turned around, " i can prepare something for you. feel free to ask any questions later while you enjoy your meal. please remain seated and try not to move around too much, okay? "

y/n pursed her lips together and nodded making him smile a bit and exit her room as he began to prepare something to help her get more better.

y/n rested her hands on her cheeks and hummed, ' he indeed still has the doctor traits and habits he used to have. '

" hey jude, don't make it sad... " y/n began to sing, eventually transitioning into a gentle hum, while closing her eyes and eagerly awaiting aqua's arrival.

" you have a nice voice. "

this made y/n's eyes open and yelp, seeing aqua with a tray in hand, and in the tray, there was a bowl of soup.

" sorry, i got to apologize for using your kitchen without your permission. " aqua apologized as he sat on the chair near her bed.

" aqua... " y/n groaned, sighing in relief. " i thought i'm gonna have a heart attack. "

" sorry. " he apologized quietly. " you should eat now. "

y/n reached out for the soup and hummed, " this doesn't have poison, right? "

this made aqua look at her deadpan making y/n laugh at his reaction, " alright alright, geez, thanks. "

y/n scooped for the soup and blow it eating some her eyes sparkling for it does tastes good.

" well, what happened? i remember i fainted and stuff but how did i end up here at my own home? " she asked at now aqua who leaned in his seat and crossed his arms sighing.

" well, yeah. you fainted and after that, you seem to have a high fever. " he started. " i just brought you here to your home because it's near. i apologize for meddling in your pocket, for the keys. "

y/n nodded and ate a few before speaking, " it's fine, it's a very explainable reason and we know each other after all so it's fine. "

" alright, ruby changed your clothes too and she was the one who watched over you when i went for my last shoot for lovenow. so don't worry. " aqua explained directly excluding some events that happened that night for y/n can't even remember.

" thanks a bunch. " y/n said while smiling a bit, giving a thumbs up to him as she lay down the empty bowl on the tray.

" i didn't know why i fell sick that day. maybe i'm just so tired. " she commented while laughing a bit and scratching her head.

" but i'm a-okay now! " she said proudly.

" you still need to drink medicine for a full recovery. " aqua said standing up and taking up meds out of his pocket laying it at the desk.

aqua then, shuffled her hair and patted it making y/n blush at the sudden action, " take care and rest. "

y/n nodded as aqua who was holding the tray exited her room as she sighed and rested her hands on her warming-up cheeks.

" aaahh...i smiled for so long that my face is cramping. " y/n said to herself, twirling her hair a little. " i think i just looked like an idiot smiling. "

on the other side of the room, y/n could hear water rushing making her know that aqua was washing the dishes which made her chuckle a bit.

as she shifted, looking at her side, the pictures resting there made her smile sadly brushing her finger at the frames and speaking in a soft voice, " i miss you, mom. "

" the once lonely and quiet house seems to be lively for a while. "

chapter twelve ; something about you— end ★ |to be continued

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chapter twelve ; something about you— end
★ |to be continued...

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