★ | in which, an actress has a nice life, she has everything but the length of her life is, well, the opposite. she was given a second chance to be reborn in her favorite manga, "oshi no ko". what life choices will she make when she meets the char...
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as the group was now on the stage, posting, y/n inhaled and exhaled before posting too with her guitar. most of their audience consists of mem-cho fans, but ruby draws them in with a charm similar to ai's.
y/n might be famous but some of her fans aren't the kind of people who attend concerts.
' what a bummer, i already expected this. ' y/n thought to herself, glancing at kana.
" my glow stick color will be red! the same as ai's! " ruby mentioned.
" i guess i'll be yellow, then. " mem-cho said grabbing the yellow glowstick.
" what about you two? " ruby asked.
" if any color's fine, then i choose white. " kana replied.
" white, huh? " mem-cho mentioned.
" oh, is something wrong with white? " kana asked.
" i wouldn't say that, but they're seen as special, so people tend to cry foul and fight over them. " mem-cho explained.
" oh, i see. " kana replied.
" that's alright, it suits someone like you who's not an idol fan in the first place. " ruby mentioned.
" how 'bout you, y/n? " mem-cho asked making y/n hum.
" i'll take the blue one. " y/n replied.
" ohh, why? is it because of—? " y/n threw a pillow at ruby's face, cutting her sentence before smiling innocently.
" no particular reason. "
as the background music started, y/n inhaled sharply before playing the guitar and at the same time dancing with the other members. this made her feel relaxed and at the same time, nervous but excitement was still on the top.
y/n was quiet and was just strumming at chords, it was just like that. as the three performed y/n was watching them and removed her guitar strap when it was her time to dance too.
y/n looked at the crowd, singing, missing this sensation as the crowd shouted and cheered. kana feels envious of them as she appears to have no one in the crowd supporting her. this is followed by ruby charming the audience with a smile reminiscent of the late ai.
as the first song ended, y/n panted and smiled at ruby's cuteness.
" b-komachi! "
" thank you, everyone! that song was star t rain! " ruby shouted and smiled at them.
" have you guys memorized it?! it made me super happy to see some of you really nail the chorus! "
" alright, time for our next song! " ruby announced. " this the big hit you've all been waiting for... "